Hackers Magazine 57
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18.04.09 | eMulePlus 1.2e
FEATURE: identity thief countermeasures {Fuxie - DK/muleteer/Bro-DK} [Aw3]
FEATURE: IP filter optimization: faster loading while consuming less resources [Aw3]
FEATURE: multipacket encoding support [eklmn/Aw3]
FEATURE: search by file, hash, country and client software in source lists on transfer page [Aw3]
FEATURE: message box with CLI help [DoubleT/Aw3]
FEATURE: use file name as the 2nd criteria for shared files sorting by Priority and Folder [Aw3]
FEATURE: use file extension as the 2nd criteria while sorting by file type {muleteer} [Aw3]
FEATURE: IRC: added utf8 message encoding option [eklmn/Aw3]
FEATURE: IRC: strip user message colors {xalbux} [Aw3]
FEATURE: IRC: save state of the user list [Aw3]
FEATURE: IRC: enabled search in the lists [Aw3]
FEATURE: Italian stand-alone FAQ version (translated by KerneL) in PDF format [Aw3]
CHANGE: slightly simplified source code distribution for easier compilation {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
CHANGE: more detailed debug information about received bad packets [Aw3]
CHANGE: increased max file comment length to 128 characters (from original) [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed special downloading improvement against old MLdonkey clients [Aw3]
CHANGE: more accurate download bandwidth calculation for compressed packets [Aw3]
CHANGE: classify .m4a, .m4b, .m4p, .m4r file extensions as audio type; .m4v as video [Aw3]
CHANGE: get preview chunk option for .mp4 files {muleteer} [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized link identification and output to RichEdit controls (logs, chats, IRC) [Aw3]
CHANGE: simplified logging system implementation [Aw3]
CHANGE: extended <Ctrl-+> processing to auto-resize list columns on the transfer window [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't autoconnect before loading ipfilter.dat [KuSh]
CHANGE: save A4AF sources for Save/Load Sources feature {muleteer} [Aw3]
CHANGE: new version check link (updates.emuleplus.info) for better flexibility [Aw3/DonGato]
CHANGE: web site and forum update and migration to better hosting [DonGato/Aw3]
CHANGE: updated country flag database [Aw3]
CHANGE: command-line commands don't start eMule Plus if it's not running [Aw3]
CHANGE: reworked notification window placement to overcome Wine issue {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
CHANGE: revised software updated instructions in readme.txt {Efix} [Aw3]
CHANGE: better Italian translation for "Clear" from the download list {KerneL} [Aw3]
CHANGE: dropped conversion of old JumpStart database format (used before v1.2a) [Aw3]
CHANGE: IRC: simplified log message formatting [Aw3]
CHANGE: IRC: reorganized user list [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: improved download progress bar representation for large files {DonGato} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: potential corruption of already received and veryfied data [Aw3]
BUGFIX: don't apply GUI "Prompt on exit" for "exit" CLI command {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: error message regarding saving to staticservers.dat [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corruption of server.met files when disk is full [Aw3]
BUGFIX: error message issued while saving part.met file [Aw3]
BUGFIX: garbled text on HTTP download status window for IE7 (from original) {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: A4AF sources attached to complete file {DonGato/DopeFish/muleteer/Vladimir (SV)/glaskrug} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: A4AF source count display for paused files [Aw3]
BUGFIX: link highlighting in logs and chats (Unicode migration issue) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: link highlighting for long IRC links {Paola} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: logging vulnerability which could cause endless loop with 100% CPU utilization [Aw3]
BUGFIX: auto-resize for the first column of the shared files and search lists [Aw3]
BUGFIX: list drawing causing column resize and tooltip problems {Fuxie - DK/muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: update of preferences category list on <Ctrl-Tab>/<Ctrl-Shift-Tab> [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incorrect destructor for some allocated buffers [Aw3/KuSh]
BUGFIX: initialization of the average download time statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: restore CLI which couldn't restore minimized window (from the system taskbar) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: uninitialized session upload priority statistics [KuSh]
BUGFIX: crash caused by invalid pointers casting {Nestor} [KuSh/Aw3]
BUGFIX: loss of the IP filter when garbage is downloaded from the server {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: memory leak caused by failed gzipped HTTP download (from original) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: wrong clipping and ellipsis in the label column of the info view pane [Aw3]
BUGFIX: icon alignment in the preferences page selection control {pixelgrease} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: potential memory corruption while displaying notification window [Aw3]
BUGFIX: text going beyond notification window [Aw3]
BUGFIX: occasional wrong line break for long words in the notification window {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: static server priority change {Unknown} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: "Don't scroll toolbar" feature for Firefox 3 {muleteer} [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: adding a server with high priority [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: last log message report for Servers and Shared Files [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: inserting several ed2k-links {L_ignorant} [Aw3]
18.05.08 | eMulePlus 1.2d
* WARNING! WebServer & MobileMule passwords have to be reentered again
* WARNING! Changed log file format, previous logs're preserved with .ansi extension
* WARNING! Existing filter.dat has to be manually converted into Unicode if it's required there
FEATURE: Unicode support [Eklmn/Aw3/KuSh]
FEATURE: show client properties on right click on tab in chat window [Eklmn]
FEATURE: Video Player parameters {glaskrug/Lastwebpage} [Aw3]
FEATURE: facility to update comment filter and file cleanup tags for current installation [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServices link for IMDb movie info look-up [Aw3]
FEATURE: 'Keep search history' setting to preserve or not search history [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServer: preserve list statuses between restarts [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServer: preserve client queue statuses between restarts [Aw3]
CHANGE: simplified shared files hashing thread [KuSh]
CHANGE: extended statistics successful and failed download sessions to keep bigger values [Aw3]
CHANGE: consider auto and JumpStart attributes while sorting by priority [KuSh]
CHANGE: select current backup directory on backup directory browsing [Aw3]
CHANGE: increased compiler warning level to 4 [Aw3/KuSh]
CHANGE: proper share mode for open files [Aw3]
CHANGE: download comment rating clean-up after comment filter update {Efix} [Aw3]
CHANGE: better compatibility to run default system preview application (original) [Aw3]
CHANGE: increased upper range for 'File Buffer Size', setting was made compatible with original [Aw3]
CHANGE: transfer window sub-pane state was moved to preferenes.ini (gui.dat is not used anymore) [Aw3]
sub-pane state will be set to default on the first start
CHANGE: more robust checks to load transfer window sub-pane state [Aw3]
CHANGE: robust case insensitive ed2k link parsing {Avi-3k} [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed 'Ignore eMule protocol messages' to enforce IRC anonimity {Bruno} [KuSh]
CHANGE: more robust IRC ident {KerneL} [Aw3]
CHANGE: speeded up some disk operations [Aw3]
CHANGE: localized proxy errors [Aw3]
CHANGE: restore window to exact previous position by 'Bring to front on link click' [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: show download list source information similar to GUI {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: don't load/save preferences.ini on change of particular parameters [Aw3]
BUGFIX: memory leak while editing of the server properties [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: wrong statistics slide control positions on consequential preferences open [Aw3]
BUGFIX: applying of some preferences settings when several are altered at once {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: stuck credits control and about dialog when focus is lost while holding mouse [Aw3]
BUGFIX: reporting of corrupted part traffic data files {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: vulnerability in staticservers.dat processing [Aw3]
BUGFIX: HTTP download dialog localization [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incorrect large file size sent to some clients in shared file list packets [KuSh/Aw3]
BUGFIX: wrong corruption lost and saved by compression statistics values at installation time [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: Ban Request Interval configuration for locales with comma as decimal-point [Aw3]
BUGFIX: stuck splitter control in transfer/messages windows when focus is lost while holding mouse [Aw3]
BUGFIX: redraw statistics plots without delay after window restore or size change {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: loading of InfoView column splitter [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incorrect client.met.bak generation which didn't do it in the most cases {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: crash caused by shared files list merging after file completion and outside renaming {DonGato} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: resources leak caused by deleting or merging part file in the shared files list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: modeless ed2k link registration and server list update message boxes {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: missed percentage in the shared files statistics on the very first drawing {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: wrong max search limit was sent to servers when more than 4GB was specified [Aw3]
BUGFIX: crash on moving items in list controls {JCRIADO/paolo} [KuSh/Aw3]
BUGFIX: download list file selection after collapsing by keyboard {glaskrug} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: crash on enabling last list column {AqUaRiUs} [KuSh/Aw3]
BUGFIX: sending double cancel requests in some rare cases [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corruption of .part.met files when disk is full [Aw3]
BUGFIX: authentication configuration for SOCK5 proxy [Aw3]
BUGFIX: missed stalled status for active files without a hashset [DoubleT/Aw3]
BUGFIX: messed waiting for hash and hashing file statuses in GUI and WebServer {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: application date format changed after WebServer usage {glaskrug} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: localization of the socket connection setup error [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: sorting by size in the search list [Aw3]
01.09.07 | eMulePlus 1.2c
FEATURE: Serbian localization [DarkMan/Aw3]
FEATURE: provide file rating to other clients with the list of shared files [Aw3]
FEATURE: Source Exchange 2 support (adapted from original) [Aw3]
FEATURE: Source Exchange Protocol version 4 [Aw3]
FEATURE: middle mouse click closes tab (search, chat, etc.) (from original) {Towelie} [Aw3]
FEATURE: extended related search to send combined requests {lugdunummaster} [Aw3]
FEATURE: .ratDVD added to CD/DVD image type {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
FEATURE: Italian FAQ [KerneL/Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServer: added file type icon to the search list of the light template [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServer: show overall file rating provided by servers in the search list [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServer: file menu 'Swap all A4AF sources to other files' {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
CHANGE: get first chunk for reviewable archives to allow better recovery {muleteer} [Aw3]
CHANGE: get first chunk option for .rm files {muleteer} [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved calculation of available remote client parts [Aw3]
CHANGE: locale settings (e.g. date formatting) taken from user settings (not based on language anymore) [Aw3]
CHANGE: homepage update and site image optimization [Psy]
CHANGE: low priority is used for servers added to the list from other clients (original) [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed file name trimming (to 50 characters) for status.log [Aw3]
CHANGE: moved onlinesig.dat from config to installation folder {Vladimir (SV)/Lastwebpage} [Aw3]
CHANGE: made setting 'Remove dead server retries' compatible with original [Aw3]
CHANGE: upload limits for rare files and friends [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster upload data block preparation [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized score calculation and higher score status detection [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed importing of v0.29a credit file format [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed port statistics [Eklmn]
CHANGE: default browsing dir for WebServer templates and while saving logs {muleteer} [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed score punishing of very old clients (< 0.19) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected backup overwrite message box confirmation [Aw3]
BUGFIX: don't backup corrupted (zero size) .part.met files [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incorrect userhash in case of file corruption [KuSh]
BUGFIX: corrected source selection for p2p source exchange [Aw3]
BUGFIX: static controls when used with themes {Vladimir (SV)} [KuSh]
BUGFIX: selection of not the best sources while creating a file link with source [Aw3]
BUGFIX: "day" string in representation of time duration {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: time disappeared at midnight {Fuxie - DK} [KuSh]
BUGFIX: startup with file system corruption of the configuration file {fran} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: not all received over UDP server sources might be added under some rare conditions [Aw3]
BUGFIX: "Set manually added servers to High Priority" usage when added through a link {gnwd} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: active "Assign to category" menu for complete files {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: size and position of the mintray button [KuSh]
BUGFIX: memory leak when changing program localization [KuSh]
BUGFIX: multimonitor control positioning and mouse click handling [KuSh]
BUGFIX: corrected report in the log about archive preview recovery status {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: potential fix for seldom crash on closure while archive preview still running {f.milione} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: rare crash while redrawing messages window and client was deleted [KuSh]
BUGFIX: upload client rate calculation in case of consecutive upload sessions {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: crash while closing IRC channels on shutdown {a.faccio} [KuSh]
BUGFIX: hashing sometimes stopping on startup while having a lot of shared files [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incomplete version check message [KuSh]
BUGFIX: rare crash while processing client lists {ompz} [Aw3/KuSh]
BUGFIX: Shared Files List slow down while publishing a lot of files {lhay/Zom} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: potential crash while sending Lancast packet [Aw3]
BUGFIX: bigger amount of data sent by auxiliary compressed packets [Aw3]
BUGFIX: IRC: user selection in the list on status change [Aw3/KuSh]
07.02.07 | eMulePlus 1.2b
FEATURE: updated source exchange protocol to v3 (support of HighID x.x.x.0 IPs) [Eklmn/Aw3]
FEATURE: added flags of Serbia (RS), Montenegro (ME) and Aland Islands (AX) {AraldoL} [Aw3]
FEATURE: proper Vista detection {muleteer} [Aw3]
FEATURE: added .3g2, .3gp and .mp4 as Video file types; .djv as Document [Aw3]
FEATURE: crash dump upload page on the homepage site [DonGato]
FEATURE: Slovenian localization [krojc/Aw3]
CHANGE: make sure that a dropped source is always deleted after identification collision [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved client identification ("bad"-client detection, waiting time protected by SUI) [Eklmn]
CHANGE: removed unused Apply and Help buttons from client/file details dialogs [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved filtering of incoming connections (less traffic & CPU load) [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: crash on visual style change {theirix} [KuSh]
BUGFIX: proxy HTTP 1.1 error reporting {vgi2007} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: potential fix for a crash caused by delayed loading of IP2Country database {grzechu_l} [Aw3/KuSh]
BUGFIX: rare crash on known client list update {davide} [Aw3/KuSh]
BUGFIX: drawing of chunk bars in file details for large files {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: client name change when download starts from remote client shared file list [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: connection loss after transfer of some specific data packet size (in some cases) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: ability to keep connection after cancel transfer reception [Aw3]
BUGFIX: source loss at the time of unexpected downloading disconnection {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: A4AF switching for the clients in "Waiting request" state {Fuxie - DK} [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: corrected the output of the waiting time in client details [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: reset filename after A4AF swap to prevent user misinformation in case of delayed response [AraldoL]
BUGFIX: incorrect filtering out of some LowID sources [Aw3]
BUGFIX: exception on shared file list reload with LanCast enabled {NonChance} [KuSh]
13.10.06 | eMulePlus 1.2a
FEATURE: Stand-alone FAQ version in PDF format (available as a separate download) [Vladimir (SV)/Aw3]
FEATURE: filename cleanup shortcut {Towelie} [Aw3]
FEATURE: server list update option was split into update from servers and clients {ElAguila} [Aw3]
FEATURE: configuration of default file permission {conman} [Aw3/DarkSoul]
FEATURE: show server UDP capabilities in the server list tooltips [Aw3]
FEATURE: large file size support (max file size 512 GB - 1 = 549,755,813,887) [Aw3]
FEATURE: Ukrainian localization [Punk/Aw3]
FEATURE: Complete Sources information in the file details [Aw3]
FEATURE: detect ADPCM audio stream in AVI info {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
FEATURE: show overall file rating provided by servers in the search list [Aw3]
FEATURE: option to send email notification messages in subject [KuSh]
FEATURE: shortcut for "Download from all A4AF sources (same category)" {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
FEATURE: Malay localization [xyes/Aw3]
FEATURE: support for previewing encrypted and solid RAR archives (adapted from original) [Aw3]
CHANGE: speeded up file parts info list processing to be suitable for large files [Aw3]
CHANGE: alternative file destination directory was moved to .part.settings {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
CHANGE: dropped configuration file migration from old versions (< v1h) [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed not working 'Automatic serverconnect without proxy' feature [Aw3]
CHANGE: use general user agent for HTTP requests [Aw3]
CHANGE: more efficient Rx file data caching to reduce disk access [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster plot statistics processing for WebServer and MobileMule [Aw3]
CHANGE: speeded up drawing of Part Traffic status bar [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster processing of remote part status packets [Aw3]
CHANGE: format of partperm.dat, smooth upgrade, settings loss on downgrade if there're file hidden parts [Aw3]
CHANGE: Jumpstart database format to support large files, smooth upgrade, downgrade with limitations [Aw3]
CHANGE: delayed file republishing on the server to post new rating or complete status [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster insertion to uploading when queue is empty [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced timeout to purge inactive sources from 2:00h to 1:40h [Aw3]
CHANGE: drop without delay some kind of inactive remote LowID sources in upload queue [Aw3]
CHANGE: drop some buggy ed2k clients from upload queue as such remote LowID can't be contacted [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't send reask to a full source before file completion to save traffic [Aw3]
CHANGE: more accurate estimation of the required free disk space for archive preview [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved timeout processing on WinXP SP2 [Eklmn]
CHANGE: used lighter way to detect Internet connectivity [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't try to hash temporary files used by file completion {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
CHANGE: simplified email notifier code (adapted from original) [KuSh]
CHANGE: dropped import of old preferences (preceding eMule v0.21) [Aw3]
CHANGE: simplified obtaining of HTTP response values [Aw3]
CHANGE: limit minimum server connection timeout for connection though proxy (from original) [Aw3]
CHANGE: file sharing mode to allow read-only access to an archive preview files [Aw3]
CHANGE: show IRC Nickname list context menu even when no selection [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't send any cookie while checking for a new version [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: order of friend and credit queues according to prefs and GUI {Fuxie - DK} [morphis/Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: faster preparation of the tranfer, search and shared files pages [Aw3]
BUGFIX: delete stray .part.met.bad on file completion and cancelation [Aw3]
BUGFIX: constant rehashing of files with some weird date {mamamia} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: toolbar button state while up/down customizing {DoubleT} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: new category ID allocation {rgreen83} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected part file date check causing rehashing in some cases {muleteer} [Aw3/KuSh]
BUGFIX: don't republish a file on the server if only comment was changed [Aw3]
BUGFIX: default category color [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Info View header localization after language switch {mamamia} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: part file loading assigned to the not existing category [Aw3]
BUGFIX: stopping of a file paused due to lack of disk space {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: completion for some particular file names {taltamir} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected saving of statistics plot colors to preferences.ini [Aw3]
BUGFIX: exception on closure when no disk space for buffered file data [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected some memory deallocations {tHeWiZaRdOfDoS} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: complete transfer calculation for part traffic [Aw3]
BUGFIX: part traffic chunk statistics reset [Aw3]
BUGFIX: disappearance of the chat message pane after pressed <Esc> (from original) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: delete unused client objects when a file is stopped to free memory [Aw3]
BUGFIX: UDP reasks shouldn't have been sent to NNS [Aw3]
BUGFIX: focus issues for modal dialogs on the server window {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected kick of banned source from upload queue [Aw3]
BUGFIX: chat session has to be disconnected on ban (from original) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: missed upload overhead for data packets [Aw3]
BUGFIX: cursor destruction {SlugFiller} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: don't add sources with mismatch part count to downloading [Aw3]
BUGFIX: display of Waited Time in remove queue for 'Another Server LowID' sources [Aw3]
BUGFIX: file Last Reception time for files complete on startup {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: insertion to uploading -- too many socket connections blocked some even already connected sources [Aw3]
BUGFIX: source reasking when too many connections threshold reached [Aw3]
BUGFIX: don't hash and share part files without complete chunks on startup after improper closure [Aw3]
BUGFIX: disabled renaming of file completed while renaming in download list {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: displaying of the completed size for erroneous files on startup {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: don't show Media Info tab for formats which can't be examined {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: edit dialog and message box localizations {BouRock} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: log information about duplicate shared files {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: some remote LowID purged from the download queue weren't deleted from known client list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: position loss of some sources in our upload queue after file completion [Aw3]
BUGFIX: a rare remote queue position loss due to missed reask for downloading remote LowID [Aw3]
BUGFIX: rare creation of wrong .stats file in the destination directory {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: download state change for remote LowID sources [Aw3]
BUGFIX: file compression gain and corruption loss in Info pane [Aw3]
BUGFIX: preview free disk space check {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: create temp. files for archive preview in corresponding temp. directory of part file [Aw3]
BUGFIX: sorting of erroneous files under 'Show paused and stopped files last' {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: file hashing in case of file read error {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: renaming through context menu (added sanity checks) {Prodoc} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: an issue with the scheduler handling of 0:00hs switch {guillep2k} [DonGato]
BUGFIX: Internet Connection Check stuck in some cases {DoubleT/xalbux} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: display of unknown video codec in AVI info {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: search and download list redraw after color related settings change in preferences {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: source sorting when more than one client with status "Queue Full" exists {Vladimir (SV)} [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: error log message while saving credit file {dbh} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: localization for new eMule Plus version auto-check {purgossu} [Aw3/DonGato]
BUGFIX: prevent data exchange unless hello-handshaking is finished [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: rare incorrect setting of NNS state by download [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: processing of incorrect data while recovering for archive preview {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: archive preview recovery for some boundary conditions [Aw3]
BUGFIX: preview of ZIP archive containing a directory archive entry (from original) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: deletion of output file after failed archive preview recovery {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: MobileMule: potential crash on socket closure {Xman1} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: IRC: socket connection request on every connect button click {Vladimir (SV)} [KuSh]
BUGFIX: WebServer: usage of <br /> tag [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: drop-down menu items, collapsing text {muleteer} [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: login page incorrection to follow specification [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: browser image preloading {muleteer} [morphis]
02.03.06 | eMulePlus 1.2
FEATURE: republish a file on file rating change to update server statistics [Aw3]
FEATURE: show file rating received from the server in the search list [Aw3]
FEATURE: detect Ogg Vorbis in AVI info {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
FEATURE: increased the file reask time for LowID clients up to 32 min in order to give them
a chance to connect first & save a traffic on callback request [Eklmn]
FEATURE: WebServer: added support for receiving the HTTP header "If-Modified-Since" [morphis]
FEATURE: WebServer: compare "If-Modified-Since" and "Last-Modified" if they are the same,
send the HTTP message 304 Not Modified, reducing file reloading [morphis]
FEATURE: WebServer: added support for "Accept-Encoding", Gzip is now automatic [morphis]
FEATURE: WebServer: added detection of caps lock while logging in [DonGato]
CHANGE: faster switching between the Known and Shared Files lists in the shared files view [Aw3]
CHANGE: avoided rare double publishing of a just completed file {muleteer} [Aw3]
CHANGE: applied a couple of optimizations for proxy support (from original) [Aw3]
CHANGE: more space for data in the search lists (reduced column margins) [Aw3]
CHANGE: updated Georgian flag {wonder_al} [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster message preprocessing in the transfer window [Aw3]
CHANGE: avoid creating a link with sources for unshared files {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
CHANGE: MobileMule: protocol update (from original) [Aw3]
CHANGE: file sharing mode to allow read-only access to a preview file [Aw3]
CHANGE: improve timeout processing for open chat sessions {muleteer/Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
CHANGE: significantly improved downloading from MLdonkey clients [Aw3]
CHANGE: more compatibility with VC2005 [brengarne]
CHANGE: revised and updated Lithuanian [vwpassatgt]
CHANGE: WebServer: new HTML4.01 strict login pages carrying Gzip compression indicator [morphis]
CHANGE: WebServer: reduced the file sizes of a lot of the images [morphis]
CHANGE: WebServer: updated/corrected ed2k link generation in transfer/shared files lists [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: reduced file I/O while loading templates [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: optimized preparation of the tranfer page [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: added forced word wrap to logs [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: optimized processing of the requests for auxiliary files [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: permanent javascripts were moved to .js files to reduce traffic [morphis]
BUGFIX: startup (mostly Win98) when some windows were not available {semental/morrismatto} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: date display for maximum connections reached statistics {Fuxie - DK} [DonGato]
BUGFIX: copying of completing file instead of moving for case sensitive paths {glaskrug} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: proxy SOCKS 5 authentication (from original) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: URL for the Internet version check was outdated [KuSh]
BUGFIX: some IP ranges couldn't be loaded from PeerGuardian database [Aw3]
BUGFIX: the whole shared files list resort when chunk hidden status was changed by double-click [Aw3]
BUGFIX: rating icon update when edit shortcut was pressed on selected chunk [Aw3]
BUGFIX: saving of some list data after failed start {semental/morrismatto} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: completed file deletion on Show File Details when temp and incoming folders're the same {quadesh} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: processing of the connected sources if file was stopped [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: file reask by LowID client was skipped if a client is on the same server [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: a warning about too many shared files when no server information available {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: clipped string in category edit dialog {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: added appropriate response if a requested file is not found [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: the HTTP header "Last-Modified" is now the requested file's modification date
and not the date of when the template was loaded [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: corrected page refresh feature {Rick164} [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: corrected tooltips code in XP template and a minor HTML error {Fuxie - DK} [DonGato]
22.12.05 | eMulePlus 1.1g
FEATURE: Czech localization [rocky.intel/Aw3]
FEATURE: introduced new download state for LowID clients on another server & changed their handling [Eklmn]
FEATURE: send file rating to the server [Aw3]
FEATURE: integer file type in server search requests to reduce traffic {lugdunummaster} [Aw3]
FEATURE: added download session log [Eklmn]
FEATURE: copy file hash to clipboard {DoubleT} [Aw3]
FEATURE: preview support for .cbr and .cbz {purgossu} [Aw3]
FEATURE: identification of new Shareaza [Aw3]
FEATURE: file type as integer for the server to reduce traffic {lugdunummaster} [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServer: CSS for the page header to reduce traffic [morphis]
FEATURE: WebServer: 'Show paused and stopped files last' [Aw3]
CHANGE: show a warning about too many shared files based on actual server limit [Aw3]
CHANGE: revised and updated Chinese Simplified localization [xyes]
CHANGE: provide hashset even when no complete chunks to avoid a wave of requests from Hybrids [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced resources used by JumpStart database [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed "Drop sources with highest queue ranking" [Eklmn/Aw3]
CHANGE: added new file extension to the forbidden list (ini,lnk,pif,vbs,vbe) [Eklmn]
CHANGE: added LowID field into "upload.log" [Eklmn]
CHANGE: switch the A4AF client according its download state [Eklmn]
CHANGE: changed the way how client handles connection at the limit.
CHANGE: the slotted download queue was replaced over state slotted download queue (SSDQ) [Eklmn/Aw3]
CHANGE: increased base reask interval from 21:40 to 28 minutes for lower traffic sake [Aw3]
CHANGE: updated fake report and check options due to the service termination [Aw3/DonGato/Fuxie - DK]
CHANGE: improved LowID handling in waiting queue to minimize unfair waiting time (adapted from original) [Aw3]
CHANGE: mark new emule compatible clients with 'CompatID #' [Aw3]
CHANGE: increased data packet download timeout to keep some kind of slow downloads [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't answer to improperly prepared OP_REASKFILEPING packets [Aw3]
CHANGE: unified processing of part and temporary file names [Aw3]
CHANGE: increased maximum uploading time to transfer more to/from slow users [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't share .DS_Store files {morphis} [Aw3]
CHANGE: more objective limiting of search results [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't send duplicate information in CT_PORT tag in server login request {Avi-3k/lugdunummaster} [Aw3]
CHANGE: some unification of resource strings [Aw3]
CHANGE: reorganized and unified strings in Preferences/Shortcuts [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved LowID check by SX [Eklmn]
CHANGE: output "Queue Full" if eMule client does not send us QR packet [Eklmn]
CHANGE: server ping to avoid UDP ping storm {lugdunummaster} [Aw3]
CHANGE: display proper lphant version [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster sorting compare for file type columns [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: replaced tooltip code for one nicer, and some other fixes [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: new menulock code uses CSS fixed positioning for all browsers but IE [morphis]
CHANGE: WebServer: changed case to lowercase of HTML tags, attributes and values [morphis]
CHANGE: WebServer: moved most javascript out of BODY of the main template page to the page HEAD [morphis]
CHANGE: WebServer: font-family styles, removed duplicates and added fallback fonts [morphis]
CHANGE: WebServer: clean-up of the layout [morphis]
CHANGE: WebServer: FireFox 1.5 compatibility [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: corrected some incorrections {morphis} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: crash while HTTP downloading when there's no enough space on the drive {postmaster} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: localization of the predefined categories after language switch {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: the A4AF switch when client is removed & only paused A4AF files exist [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: the A4AF switch when remote client informs us that file doesn't exist [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: session statistics 'Parts Saved Due To ICH' {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: the function GetValidSources() that gave inverted results [Eklmn/Aw3]
BUGFIX: the DL session cancel over timeout if client delays the sending of the block request [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: comment status update while swapping A4AF [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: don't show log messages in message box when status bar isn't ready yet {FGFEmperor} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: don't send global search packet to failed servers [Aw3]
BUGFIX: added missed download data overhead statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: uploading of completed file after file movement {xalbux} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected sorting by progress in some rare cases {gotrek} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: don't discard UDP search results of the same packet when search limit is reached [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected Failed Download Sessions statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: hidden exception when startup is disallowed due to disabled multiple instances [Aw3]
BUGFIX: answer UDP file status pings only for the requested file [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected boundary conditions when min/max search file sizes are specified [Aw3]
BUGFIX: missed server search overhead statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: server search request when file extension is specified [Aw3]
BUGFIX: identification of the client on incoming connection [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: download abort if local client sent file status request at the same time as got download invitation [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: incorrect highlighting of QR in the download list [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: update of preferences category list after <Ctrl-Tab>/<Ctrl-Shift-Tab> navigation [gonzlogu]
BUGFIX: WebServer: wrong end of the tag on statistics page [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: missing TYPE attributes of SCRIPT tags [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: escaped HTML end tags in javascript [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: escaped last remaining "&"s on main template page [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: removed margin attributes from body tag [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: missing ALT attributes of IMG tags from the main template page [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: borders of the menu status bars - now using style [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: removed double </td></td> in menubar status [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: appearance of 'Get first/last chunks for preview' menu {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: corrected and improved login page of the XP template [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: missed end form tag and nested form tags [morphis/Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: show remote date/time for another time zone {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
01.08.05 | eMulePlus 1.1f
FEATURE: added Related File Search [Aw3]
FEATURE: flood protection against block request packets [Eklmn]
FEATURE: Last Seen column for friends list [Aw3]
FEATURE: save state of the friends list [Aw3]
FEATURE: adjustable splitter for Messages window (adapted from original) [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServer: ability to host xml and txt files {Fuxie - DK} [SyruS]
CHANGE: removed useless search list context menu 'Remove this Searchresult' [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster processing of commands for search list [Aw3]
CHANGE: zlib library update to 1.2.3 [Aw3]
CHANGE: limitation of possible chat message length [Aw3]
CHANGE: more space for informative fields in all windows [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced number of system handles and faster multithread synchronization {xrmb} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected string clipping in statistics window {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: disabled 'Clear All' search list context menu without selection [Aw3]
BUGFIX: saving and display of "Gained Due To Compression" global statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: activation of friends list context menu by keyboard [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Send/Close chat buttons should've been disabled on start [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected addition of overhead statistics to appropriate group [Aw3]
BUGFIX: added missed overhead statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: ed2k link parsing when filename contains only spaces (original) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: prevent file access outside webserver directory (original) [SyruS]
12.07.05 | eMulePlus 1.1e
FEATURE: Extremaduran localization [purgossu/Aw3]
FEATURE: ED2K link shortcuts for Server and Search lists [Aw3]
FEATURE: mark with '*' in the list shared files which should be published on the server [Aw3]
FEATURE: added possibility to get preview parts for .asf files {DonGato} [Aw3]
FEATURE: log canceled files [Aw3]
FEATURE: Croatian localization [lhay/Aw3]
FEATURE: try to auto-detect Media Player Classic path if no valid player is set [katsyonak]
FEATURE: show time remaining to client reask in download list client tooltip {azhad} [katsyonak]
FEATURE: IRC autojoin to #emule+ and current localized language channel if supported [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added eMugle web search support [Aw3]
FEATURE: added eMugle's File Information to web services [Aw3]
FEATURE: show media information (length, bitrate and codec) for search results [Aw3]
FEATURE: process client shortcuts for friend list too {DopeFish} [Aw3]
FEATURE: store corrupted part list in .part.met to continue recovering after restart [Aw3]
FEATURE: support for extended UDP server protocol to get multiple file search results in one UDP packet [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServer: main menu can be locked to the top of the page {Fuxie - DK} [Psy/SyruS]
CHANGE: consider files .djvu as documents [Aw3]
CHANGE: proper detection of new Hybrid versions [Aw3]
CHANGE: major Lithuanian language update [Unlimiter]
CHANGE: major Greek language update [geodimo]
CHANGE: major Korean language update [p5657587]
CHANGE: major Catalan language update [ernzzz]
CHANGE: faster remote client name handling in the lists [Aw3]
CHANGE: unified way to display client name and version [Aw3]
CHANGE: unified and regrouped shortcuts [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced number of GDI objects in Statistics window [Aw3]
CHANGE: format of command line switch from "limits=UpLim[,DownLim]" to "limits=[UpLim][:DownLim]" [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed locking of Reload button [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved files publishing algorithm on the server (adapted from original) [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't republish shared file on the server after renaming [Aw3]
CHANGE: reimplemented "connection in 5 sec" condition, now it does not use average [Eklmn]
CHANGE: slightly reduced main timer processing overhead [Aw3]
CHANGE: more space for data in upload pane lists (reduced column margins) [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster drawing of some list elements [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster part traffic processing and drawing [Aw3]
CHANGE: changed IRC server to irc.emuleplus.info {Madmax75adsl} [katsyonak/kuchin]
CHANGE: moved IRC VERSION messages to the status log [katsyonak]
CHANGE: some optimizations for download list processing and drawing [Aw3]
CHANGE: show client port and country at chat session start [katsyonak]
CHANGE: updated FileDonkey web search [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized search list sorting [Aw3]
CHANGE: show message taskbar indicator also when Message pane is active but eMule Plus isn't topmost [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster size to string conversion [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: updated FileDonkey web search [SyruS]
BUGFIX: Change Destination Directory for multiple files {Capitan Hispania} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: speed-meter disappearance after several turns on/off [Aw3]
BUGFIX: loss of server list caused by fast client closure right after startup [Aw3]
BUGFIX: upload autopriority calculation for paused/stopped files {KuSh} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected some basic file functions rarely working wrong [Aw3]
BUGFIX: JumpStart and hidden parts reporting {DopeFish/DoubleT} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: overflow of download client bandwidth calculation if limit is in use (for limits > 210 KBytes/s) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: file share mode to eliminate "Failed to save OnlineSig.dat" [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected calculation of corruption loss size [Aw3]
BUGFIX: cumulative statistics of lost due to corruption was always zero after restart {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected calculation of lost due to corruption in Projected Averages statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: speed-meter scaling after rate capacity change [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed incorrect socket closure if connection was lost [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: socket processing flaw causing exceptions at the end of downloading {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: user hash display in client details for Exchanged Source [Aw3]
BUGFIX: client rating display in client details for Saved Source [Aw3]
BUGFIX: missed preferences localization {BouRock} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: shared files hashing issues when hashing stopped {Juokelis/GMGMGM/taltamir} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: possibility to have files with the same hash in shared files list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: download list update after enable/disable of some related preferences options [Aw3]
BUGFIX: sorting issues when 'Show paused and stopped files last' is enabled {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: wrong next UDP search time in statistics right before search start {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: context menu launched by hot key in download list could be for incorrect list item [Aw3]
BUGFIX: some shortcut actions could be for wrong download list item {DopeFish} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: disabled 'Clear All' button after request of shared files list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Send Message action by double-click in friends list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected friends list to display a default action in context menu [Aw3]
BUGFIX: friend state update in known clients list when state is changed in download list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: chunk found corrupted on file completion wasn't marked as corrupted to make recovery faster [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corruption loss statistics wasn't updated when chunk is found corrupted on file completion [Aw3]
BUGFIX: disable of blinking new message taskbar indicator [Aw3]
BUGFIX: removed unrequired part file saving and list updates on part file renaming in file details dialog [Aw3]
BUGFIX: part file renaming {dirkmill} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: javascript error while showing menu in Turkish {BouRock} [Aw3]
21.03.05 | eMulePlus 1.1d
FEATURE: updated algorithm to retrieve server description [Aw3]
FEATURE: server like source exchange system (i.e. A4AF & source outside the UL-queue will be also spread) [Eklmn]
FEATURE: possibility to sort parts by Accepted Requests in the shared files list [Aw3]
FEATURE: saving of second sorting level for shared files list when default sorting settings're not in use [Aw3]
FEATURE: dim hidden part on part traffic progress bar {DopeFish} [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster shared files list sorting by some criteria, and other lists by file name [Aw3]
CHANGE: rewritten shared files list sorting to make it according to other lists [Aw3]
CHANGE: consider files .cbz and .cbr as documents {Beltxo} [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: added User Nick to page title [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: added tooltips for Clear All and Timer On/Off [DonGato]
BUGFIX: possible fix for rare case when colors of status bar connection icon are wrong {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: missed status bar connection icon after start [Aw3]
BUGFIX: memory deallocation while processing wrong packets [Aw3]
BUGFIX: erasing own comment from shared files also removed rating display in download list [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: tag processing what caused file writing issues and crashes after file was added from search [Aw3]
BUGFIX: sorting arrow in shared files list when second sorting level is used by default [Aw3]
01.03.05 | eMulePlus 1.1c
FEATURE: middle mouse click opens comment dialog in Shared files window [netwolf]
FEATURE: support new ed2k tag format [Aw3]
FEATURE: show Incoming and Temp folders in category tabs tooltips {DopeFish} [katsyonak]
FEATURE: support several UDP server source packets in one UDP packet (official) [Aw3]
FEATURE: new protocol security features: provide file size for TCP & UDP server source requests {lugdunummaster} [Aw3]
FEATURE: save part file corrupted size and compression gain to .part.met file (official) [Aw3]
FEATURE: tooltips for truncated items in File Details->Sources Names [katsyonak]
FEATURE: show last ping time in server tooltips [Aw3]
FEATURE: server LowID users statistics (adapted from original) [Aw3]
FEATURE: Belarusian localization [Kryvich/Aw3]
FEATURE: show chunks which can be downloaded from the particular client on upload progress bar {DopeFish} [Aw3]
FEATURE: 'Folder' column in Search list which shows the location of the files at the remote client [netwolf]
FEATURE: add sources possibly received from global search (official) [netwolf]
FEATURE: 'Folder' column in Shared Files list [netwolf]
FEATURE: tooltips for the Friends and Search lists [katsyonak]
FEATURE: shared files permission to show files in the shared files list [netwolf]
FEATURE: output folder to Downloadlist tooltips + context menu indicator if alternative destination folder is used [netwolf]
FEATURE: tooltips for the Shared Files list [SyruS/katsyonak]
FEATURE: auto-download lists for inside-group file spreading and other nice uses [kuchin]
CHANGE: improved rare part selection when several rare sources are available for download {DopeFish} [Aw3]
CHANGE: more compatible way to save part file statistics: requests, accepted requests, transferred data [Aw3]
CHANGE: zlib library update to 1.2.2 [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster loading and saving of configuration files [Aw3]
CHANGE: several file tag codes changed to be more compatible (UL/DL priorities and category) [Aw3]
CHANGE: check possible values during parameters loading from known.met and .part.met [Aw3]
CHANGE: delete FT_PARTFILENAME tags found in known.met on its load [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster loading of ip-to-country information [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't save some tags with zero values to .part.met and known.met files [Aw3]
CHANGE: better looking Turkey flag icon [bertan]
CHANGE: optimized parameter tag processing (preparation and parsing) [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized server list sorting [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't save tags with zero values to server.met [Aw3]
CHANGE: unified display of file permission and upload file priority [Aw3]
CHANGE: current fake list is loaded until the new one is downloaded [KuSh]
CHANGE: create an ED2K link without sources info if it isn't connected [KuSh]
CHANGE: don't use 32 bit color if OS/comctl32.dll doesn't support it (official) [netwolf]
CHANGE: forced sources saving during client close [DonGato/Aw3]
CHANGE: when a new version is available, taskbar notifier now informs you (if version check is enabled) [netwolf]
CHANGE: unified level of accuracy of speed displays in Transfer window [netwolf]
CHANGE: reworked control over number of clients in the upload queue [Eklmn]
CHANGE: WebServer: time refresh no longer scrolls back the page to the top [Psy]
CHANGE: WebServer: thin separation lines on download list for Firefox [Psy]
BUGFIX: Shared Files progress indicators borders in a themed Windows environment [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: auto resume from stand-by {Mikelke/al37919} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: eliminated erroneous possibility to rename completed file in file details by pressing Enter [Aw3]
BUGFIX: weird issues caused by file renaming after completion (within current session) {DopeFish} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected calculation of server download overhead [Aw3]
BUGFIX: possible fix for Taskbar Notifier focus stealing [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: corrected initial servers port of the source found by UDP source request [Aw3]
BUGFIX: eliminated sending of empty UDP source request packet (OP_GLOBGETSOURCES) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: removed several loadings of .part.dir files on startup [Aw3]
BUGFIX: removed double loading of .part.settings file on startup [Aw3]
BUGFIX: friend last seen time value update [Aw3]
BUGFIX: resource string loading when localized string is missed {Psy} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: display of Max. Users in the server list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: server list sorting by IP [Aw3]
BUGFIX: closable tabs display in a themed Windows environment [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: some server priority (server.met) incompatibility with the original eMule [Aw3]
BUGFIX: saving of several server parameters to server.met [Aw3]
BUGFIX: removed one extra file sources saving attempt [Aw3]
BUGFIX: overflow of upload client bandwidth calculation (for upload limits > 1048 KBytes/s) {cvictor} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: more robust ed2k link parser [Aw3]
BUGFIX: localization of ed2k link parsing errors [Aw3]
BUGFIX: parsing ed2k-links with AICH hash (official) [roytam1]
BUGFIX: corrected remaining chunk time and size display at the end of the chunk [Aw3]
BUGFIX: disable starting of next download (if enabled) after fakes.rar completion {Prodoc} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed hidden column appearing when hitting 'CTRL+' [KuSh]
BUGFIX: memory leaks in Websocket (official) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: memory leak in Archive Recovery thread (official) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: prevent adding install/working directories to Shared files [netwolf]
BUGFIX: corrected VLC auto-detection attempt if there is no other player specified [netwolf]
BUGFIX: minor statistics plot shift to the left [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: fixed problem with Mozilla browsers and confirmations [DonGato]
27.12.04 | eMulePlus 1.1b
FEATURE: search list sorting by Complete Sources [Aw3]
FEATURE: open client ports on Windows XP internal firewall (adopted from koizo) [katsyonak]
FEATURE: save state of the Parts Status list [Aw3]
FEATURE: highlight downloading chunks on download file progress bar {DopeFish} [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced memory used by known client credits [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster calculation of assumed remote base modifier [Aw3]
CHANGE: speed up of candidate source selection from the waiting queue [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed 'Remove all Servers' menu item [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected AVI preview parts request order (in some cases) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: hidden part drawing on part traffic bar when there was no transfer of the part {DoubleT} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: rare uploading drops due to incorrect feeding of the main slots [Aw3]
BUGFIX: uploading drops caused by computation overflow [Aw3]
BUGFIX: extremely high uploading rate peaks caused by system load [Aw3]
BUGFIX: possible fix for crash {A.Vedjakin} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: upload attempt loss during completing of the same file [Aw3]
BUGFIX: crash while progress bar drawing {XAVI} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: socket closure after template loading error {muleteer} [Aw3]
12.12.04 | eMulePlus 1.1a
FEATURE: new log warning when sharing too much files that leads to connection problems [DonGato]
FEATURE: new log warning when adding a file from search that has no complete sources reported [DonGato]
FEATURE: added MODs client statistics for eMule Plus [Aw3]
FEATURE: detailed file parts information [Aw3]
FEATURE: added list search for the friends list [Aw3]
FEATURE: show parts a remote user can get from you on upload progress bar {DopeFish} [Aw3]
FEATURE: new eMule Plus identification [Aw3]
FEATURE: updated eMule protocol up to version 0.4x (original) [Aw3]
FEATURE: inform a remote client when 'See my share = No one' to save traffic (original) [Aw3]
FEATURE: Last Seen Complete was added to search results [Aw3]
FEATURE: random TCP and UDP ports for new users [Aw3]
CHANGE: Windows 98/ME users now also can save crash dumps [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced memory used by IP filter [Aw3]
CHANGE: better grid scaling for statistics plots [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized progress bar to properly merge neighbor segments for faster drawing [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster preparation of download file progress bar for GUI and WebServer [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved BarShader to speed up progress bar drawing [Aw3]
CHANGE: corrected progress bar color for inactive files with sources [Aw3]
CHANGE: more progress bar gradations to better represent the number of sources [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster download file progress bar preparation [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved ICR to better select rare chunks for download and use less resources [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved IP filtering [Eklmn]
CHANGE: faster sources sorting in the download list [Aw3]
CHANGE: unified cancel packet sending [Eklmn]
CHANGE: improved ZZ upload process [Eklmn]
CHANGE: changed the way we use backup files for .part.met (more user friendly) [DonGato]
CHANGE: send new message notifications also when Messages window is active,
but eMulePlus isn't foreground application {DopeFish/muleteer} [Aw3]
CHANGE: smoother uploading; reduced probability of connection loss [Eklmn]
CHANGE: removed unused closable tab stuff to reduce used memory and GDI resources [Aw3]
CHANGE: download list file collapse/expand icons [Psy]
CHANGE: faster image lists icon loading; reduced memory usage [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: improved selection of the sorting direction for alphabetical columns [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: removed template eMule.tmpl [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: faster way to detect file type as well as more file extentions added [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: XP template 800x600 compatility [Psy]
CHANGE: WebServer: added Total Files being downloaded to download footer [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: reduced size of some pictures [Aw3]
BUGFIX: 'Get first/last chunks for preview' menu item processing [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Preview menu item availablity {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: cancelling of Internet Connection Check {DoubleT} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: client download data rate calculation [Aw3]
BUGFIX: rare download attempt loss due to incorrect limit calculation [Aw3]
BUGFIX: part traffic bar information for files with size = 0 modulo EMBLOCKSIZE (180KB) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: avoid shared directories reloading after change of other preferences settings [Aw3]
BUGFIX: collisions caused attempt loss while downloading the same part from several sources [Aw3]
BUGFIX: JumpStart was allowed for small files causing malfunction [Aw3]
BUGFIX: JumpStart didn't work for files with size = 0 modulo PARTSIZE [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incorrect parts status report by JumpStart when only one incomplete part is left {MadamEve} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: removed sending of a spare byte in OP_SETREQFILEID packet [Aw3]
BUGFIX: added protection to correctly check 3DDepth parameter [Aw3]
BUGFIX: unrequired aqua-style progress bar updates after appling preferences [Aw3]
BUGFIX: several rare progress bar glitches [Aw3]
BUGFIX: download file progress bar preparation for GUI and WebServer [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Italian rating translation {Ldx} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: progress bar for 1 byte files [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incorrectly drawn part request on source progress bar after downloading start [Aw3]
BUGFIX: vulnerability of reading corrupted clients.met {cupidon} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: client information update in the Known Clients list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Multiple Instances configuration on the fresh start of the second instance {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: protection against short invalid packets [Aw3]
BUGFIX: sorting sources by 'UL/DL Ratio' in the download list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: possible upload break at last block in part [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: filtering of small fake RX packets (caused impossible file completion in some cases) {vendetta7} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: possibility to add shared directories from some kind of USB drives {smashy} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: don't report 100.00% completed for file with minor amount left to download {vendetta7} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: notification 'A new chat session was started' didn't work at all [Aw3]
BUGFIX: no indication (statusbar & notification) of a message reception to inactive chat session [Aw3]
BUGFIX: probable solution for crashes reported by users crash dumps [Aw3/Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed some untranslated strings [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: possibility to apply Auto upload priority for shared files [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: reporting JumpStart together with Auto upload priority [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: some pictures weren't cached {Aw3} [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: limitless download configuration when upload limit < 10 {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: rename feature had problems with images and other files {Aw3} [SyruS]
BUGFIX: WebServer: some file types were incorrectly represented in the lists [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: show sources for a file smaller than PARTSIZE as complete in search results [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: added missed report of socket creation failure [Aw3]
22.10.04 | eMulePlus 1.1
FEATURE: number of friends in the list (adopted from koizo) [Aw3]
FEATURE: fractional upload/download limits (min 1 KB/s, granularity 0.1 KB/s) [Aw3]
FEATURE: customizable temporary directory for categories [DonGato/Aw3]
FEATURE: extensive file chunks information in File Details [KuSh]
FEATURE: show the remaining size & time for the sources [morevit/Eklmn/Aw3]
FEATURE: an asynchronous data output to log boxes [Eklmn]
FEATURE: WebServer: added double sorting arrows for the second level sorting [Aw3/DonGato]
CHANGE: new interpretation of limitless download and its configuration [Aw3]
CHANGE: fast preferences sorting page loading [Aw3]
CHANGE: slightly reduced GUI resources usage [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: significantly increased performance and reduced CPU usage [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: improved string to hash conversion [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: reduced size of some pictures [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: faster columns processing [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: faster processing of WebServer replies [Aw3]
BUGFIX: rehashing on Daylight Saving Time change (official) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: sorting of 'Last Reception' column [Aw3]
BUGFIX: locale setting for correct preferences reading {DoubleT} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: more robust capability settings validation [Aw3]
BUGFIX: temporary directory list processing [Aw3]
BUGFIX: backup from non-existent directory [Aw3]
BUGFIX: enabling of required backup controls when 'Select all' is pressed [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected editbox disabling in Preferences\WebServer [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected speed configuration [Aw3]
BUGFIX: localization of HTTP download dialog [Aw3]
BUGFIX: loading of incorrect sorting settings {DonGato} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: some pictures weren't cached [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: reverse sorting in some windows [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: queue disabling in the Web Control Panel {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: some minor fixes over context menus on guest account [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: eMuleLight template sorting picture position for reverse sorting [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: disabling of Servername and Files columns in Serverlist [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: sorting directions for several columns [Aw3]
29.09.04 | eMulePlus 1o
FEATURE: separate eMule Plus client statistics [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed .torrent from forbidden shared file extensions [Aw3]
CHANGE: optional filtering of small fake RX packets [Aw3]
CHANGE: more precise download rate calculation [Aw3]
CHANGE: better low download rate control [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster processing of ini-file settings and preferences values [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved string to hash conversion [Aw3]
CHANGE: MD5 optimization [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster client icons processing [Aw3]
CHANGE: MobileMule: localization of some login messages [Aw3]
BUGFIX: -0.0 KB/s display for average download rate in details pane {Fuxie - DK} [SyruS]
BUGFIX: reporting incorrect client version after receiving of incorrect OP_EMULEINFO packet [Aw3]
BUGFIX: extremely rare crash on exit {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: minimal client download rate [Aw3]
BUGFIX: delayed download rate control [Aw3]
BUGFIX: restoring of 'Max. Files Ever Shared' value from statistics backup [Aw3]
BUGFIX: very rare empty message-box on startup {DopeFish} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: very specific startup crash [Aw3]
BUGFIX: request method of shared file list [KuSh]
BUGFIX: IPfilter level update was possible only after restart {morphis} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: GUI update after file addition/deletion from WebServer/MobileMule {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: honors 'Start Downloads Paused' setting [Aw3]
11.09.04 | eMulePlus 1n
FEATURE: added filtering of UDP packets (official) [Eklmn]
FEATURE: lphant client support [Aw3]
FEATURE: show directories tree icons (Preferences->Directories) in Windows 9x [Aw3]
FEATURE: backup .part.txtsrc files [Aw3]
FEATURE: protection against bad RX data [Aw3]
FEATURE: added an option in IRC to send Bold, Underline & Colored messages [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added 'Download from all A4AF sources (same category)' option [DonGato]
FEATURE: color coded IRC channel title [katsyonak]
FEATURE: color coded IRC channel list description [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added "WhoIs" to IRC nick list context menu [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added "Refresh" to IRC channel list context menu [katsyonak]
FEATURE: clickable own rating icon in shared files list [katsyonak]
FEATURE: WebServer: added Get First/Last chunk for Preview [DonGato]
CHANGE: reduced system load caused by recovery of uncompressed RX stream [Aw3]
CHANGE: completely reworked remote clients version detection [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster sorting by client software and user name [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster client software version processing [Aw3]
CHANGE: better chunk downloading order for 'Get first/last chunks for preview' [Aw3]
CHANGE: the preview parts have highest priority from now [Eklmn]
CHANGE: improved bandwidth control for limited DL [Eklmn]
CHANGE: removed wraparound upload; all upload requests are limited to chunk boundaries [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved source dropping; drop lesser sources applying higher precision of measurements and
replaced option "Leave remote queue if QR >" with "Drop sources with highest queue ranking" [SyruS]
CHANGE: improved processing of the file chunk statuses [Eklmn/Aw3]
CHANGE: faster list search [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster ed2k type processing [Eklmn]
CHANGE: faster calculation of file ratios in GetScore [Eklmn]
CHANGE: faster and easier OS version detection [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced memory used by client credits [Eklmn]
CHANGE: iconed buttons border is now visible also in a non-themed environment [katsyonak]
CHANGE: basic shared file list messages are moved to emule.log and again displayed on status bar [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced memory used by country and client statistics [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster shortcuts handling [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved processing of MODs branch in client statistics tree [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced resources used by Preferences->Shortcuts [Aw3]
CHANGE: IRC time format is the same as in the logs [katsyonak]
CHANGE: auto-detected IRC links are no longer marked [katsyonak]
CHANGE: increased lenght of virus scanning switches string to 256 [DonGato]
CHANGE: now when completing a file or switching NNP sources we take in account categories
and its alphabetical order to switch to first episodes or first multi-part downloads [DonGato]
CHANGE: faster client icon drawing in the lists [Aw3]
CHANGE: unified processing of client icon images [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster icon loading [Aw3]
CHANGE: unified list column creation [Aw3]
CHANGE: pressing Ctrl+Enter for sending a message in IRC wont treat the line as a command [katsyonak]
CHANGE: CD-ROM/DVD drives are not allowed as additional temporary location [Aw3]
CHANGE: use "One-at-a-Time Hash" for clients credits map [Eklmn]
CHANGE: unified async GUI updade of Upload, Queue & Client lists [Eklmn]
CHANGE: improved processing of the username by anti-leecher feature [Eklmn]
CHANGE: improved gap list processing [Eklmn/Aw3]
CHANGE: improved initialization of preferences directory tree control [Aw3]
CHANGE: nick-tag 'ePlus' was disallowed to be used as a community string [SyruS]
CHANGE: improved Community Sharing detection to allow only one community per user [SyruS]
CHANGE: changed Community Sharing and Friends score increase [DonGato]
CHANGE: now Get First/Last chunk takes in account needed index size on last part [DonGato/Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: updated client icons according to the main style [DonGato/Aw3]
CHANGE: MobileMule: protocol update up to v0.9a [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed file selection with keyboard, if sources are opened [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: directory creating {Cheesy} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incorrect parsing of AVI header for Media Info {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: localization issues of Media Info [Aw3]
BUGFIX: crashes while processing incorrect AVI header [Aw3]
BUGFIX: audio and video bitrate calculation for Media Info [Aw3]
BUGFIX: display of dark statistics plots on light background {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed hang up during completion [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: corrected the source swap by removing of the file [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: sorting of Hybrids by client software [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Hybrid version report [Aw3]
BUGFIX: eMule Plus identification [Aw3]
BUGFIX: shared directories feature detection for old eMule Plus clients [Aw3]
BUGFIX: several issues processing files with size = 0 modulo PARTSIZE [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed hashset request for file with filesize = PARTSIZE [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed request of hashset in case of NNS status [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed switching between limited & limitless DL [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: corrected processing of file name packet [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: corrected size-to-complete calculation in ICR [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: very rare possibility to upload and report unverified chunks [Aw3]
BUGFIX: complete size calculation [Aw3]
BUGFIX: processing of incorrect block request [Aw3]
BUGFIX: video file detection based on file extention [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: corrected sources counter (don't count dropped sources) [SyruS]
BUGFIX: set client state on received data [Aw3]
BUGFIX: processing and validation of entered 'Max. Connections' value [Aw3]
BUGFIX: preferences port values validation and corrected window update [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected different statistic counters for UL request [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed reset of waiting time over a filter use [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: Info header update on key navigation in Known Clients list {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incorrect client waiting time on remote queue [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: crash if client was added due to callback request [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: final fix for lost sources sorting indicator(s) in download list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected 'Show All Uploading Sources' shortcut processing [Aw3]
BUGFIX: 'Clear All completed downloads' shortcut didn't work {JoeSchmoe} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: memory leak after exception [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected several list column labels [Aw3]
BUGFIX: double initialization of preferences directory tree controls [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed flaw in packet creation, that could lead to corrupted part [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: rare issue when a requested upload block could be splitted into two requests [Aw3]
BUGFIX: clear upload requested block lists on disconnection [Aw3]
BUGFIX: GUI glitch in Messages window when multiple tabs are open and windows is themed [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: update lists after status bar 3D depth is changed [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected floppy drive check for preferences directory tree [Aw3]
BUGFIX: webinterface exploit (official) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: more file sharing corrections to allow read-only access for other applications (official) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: the active directory changing in Directory preferences dialog (official) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: proper break of long lines in taskbar notifier [DonGato]
BUGFIX: rename feature now selects all filename [DonGato]
BUGFIX: preview feature for avi files wasn't taking in account last part [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed issue with Traskbar Notifier on new log entry while client was starting [DonGato]
BUGFIX: sending ban messages was bringing focus [DonGato]
BUGFIX: MobileMule: crash on shutdown request while preferences opened <thanks Fuxie - DK for support> [Aw3]
BUGFIX: MobileMule: honors Start Downloads Paused setting [DonGato]
BUGFIX: MobileMule: display of complete files in their categories [Aw3]
25.06.04 | eMulePlus 1m
FEATURE: added active, paused and stopped files counters to download list header [netwolf]
FEATURE: added Client context menu to the Comments dialog [katsyonak]
FEATURE: new community statistics tree [DonGato]
FEATURE: added a Word Wrap context menu option to logs, IRC & messages [katsyonak]
FEATURE: IRC channel messages now supports background color coded messages [SyruS/katsyonak]
CHANGE: allow to remove from JumpStart a file that was removed from share [DonGato]
CHANGE: improved preferences localization [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster list header localizations [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved logs, IRC & messages code [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: exception 'CClientReqSocket::PacketReceived: Unknown exception. Protocol=0xe3 opcode=0x55 size=0' [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Now Report Fake and Check Fake both work correctly with Mozilla/Firefox browsers [DropF]
BUGFIX: CPU load caused by holding Ctrl in download pane [Aw3]
BUGFIX: GUI resource unloading in Client Details dialog [Aw3]
BUGFIX: sending of additional incorrect OP_REASKACK packet [Aw3]
BUGFIX: double asked count increment during OP_REASKFILEPING processing [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed high cpu-usage loop due to malicious muleinfo packets [SyruS]
BUGFIX: clear upload block send requests queue on client disconnection [netwolf]
BUGFIX: fixed another multi-monitor issue with the tooltips [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: Web Services with "|" in their definition were having problems with Mozilla browsers [DonGato]
BUGFIX: tooltips foreground color was incorrect [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: IRC Status sorting was incorrect [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: fixed category tabs padding [katsyonak]
14.06.04 | eMulePlus 1l
FEATURE: added aMule client support [Aw3]
FEATURE: failed non-static servers in the server list are dimmed [katsyonak]
FEATURE: option to resume another category when all files done ('Start paused file on complete') [netwolf]
FEATURE: support for external antivirus program (shared files and completed downloads, on demand or auto) [netwolf/Aw3]
FEATURE: double clicking most of the status bar's panes switches to an according dialog [katsyonak]
FEATURE: 'Find in lists' Ctrl+F: start new search | F3: find next | Shift+F3: find previous (official) [netwolf/KuSh]
FEATURE: double-click on category tab opens 'Edit category' dialog [netwolf]
FEATURE: middle mouse button click opens details of selected client or file [netwolf]
FEATURE: icon indication in the server list for connected, static and failed server(s) [katsyonak]
FEATURE: connected server is now background highlighted in the server list [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added 'Size on disk' info to details pane, file details, tooltips, category tooltips & statistics [netwolf]
FEATURE: added paused and stopped files counter to category tooltips [netwolf]
FEATURE: new option to disable round of sizes for files and transfers [DonGato]
FEATURE: added Scheduled Backup feature [netwolf]
FEATURE: added 'Download (Paused)' to the search list context menu [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added connected clients country statistics [katsyonak]
FEATURE: IRC channel messages now supports color and font style coded messages [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added 'Open containing folder' to Downloadlist context menu and shortcuts [netwolf]
FEATURE: prevent file scanning by OP_HASHSETREQUEST [SyruS]
FEATURE: upload progress bars fit their file size [KuSh]
FEATURE: added tooltips to the Servers, On Queue & Known Clients lists [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added 'Country' columns to the Servers, Uploads, On Queue & Known Clients lists [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added and improved IP to Country from MorphXT [katsyonak/Aw3]
FEATURE: autoupdate for IPFilter [DropF]
FEATURE: auto max sources per file [BavarianSnail]
FEATURE: different shades of yellow in progress bar for current transfer position and remaining [xrmb/KuSh]
FEATURE: option to scale connection utilization by percentage in statistics [xrmb]
CHANGE: updated tray dialog code from official v0.42g [katsyonak]
CHANGE: added client version info to debug log messages on several places [netwolf]
CHANGE: enable compression for .ogm files [Aw3]
CHANGE: updated MobileMule to v0.8a and fixed old bugs in it [KuSh]
CHANGE: cDonkey client support removed [Aw3]
CHANGE: CPU-optimized update of complete sources counter [SyruS]
CHANGE: tooltip delay of zero is now used to disable tooltips [katsyonak]
CHANGE: improved decompression memory handling and reduced amount of data recopying [Aw3]
CHANGE: better strategy for RX data buffering (faster disk writing) [Aw3]
CHANGE: slightly reduced memory usage by reorganizing data structures [Aw3]
CHANGE: useless feature 'drop supercompressed blocks' was removed [DonGato/Aw3]
CHANGE: FakeCheck database is not checked if column is disabled (speed up search) [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated debug log messages (more info and removed translations) [DonGato/netwolf]
CHANGE: updated project to use zlib 1.2.1 library [KuSh]
CHANGE: check also port, not only IP on UDP file reask [netwolf]
CHANGE: internal routine is automatically used for significant copying while file completion [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized resource string loading [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster (in some cases) detection to use TX compression or not [Aw3]
CHANGE: updated SourceExchange Protocol up to v2 [KuSh]
CHANGE: updated the unknown hello tag ignore list (0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87 and 0x94) [KuSh]
CHANGE: updated UDP Protocol up to v4 [KuSh]
CHANGE: send only required SourceExchange sources [KuSh]
CHANGE: if Video Player path is invalid, try to find VLC path in the registry [katsyonak]
CHANGE: IRC/Messages "Close" & "Send" buttons are disabled until there is an open closable tab [katsyonak]
CHANGE: reduced memory used by rollup controls [Aw3]
CHANGE: show default context menu item in client lists [Aw3/xrmb]
CHANGE: ability to sort Friends list [katsyonak]
CHANGE: automatic tooltips tabs alignment (plus various other enhancements in the tooltips code) [katsyonak]
CHANGE: improved status bar and category tabs tooltips [katsyonak]
CHANGE: downloading files are counted against active files in category tooltips now (overall nr. in cat. header) [netwolf]
CHANGE: added compression gain/corruption loss percentage to file details (Transfer) [netwolf]
CHANGE: better estimation of own score on remote client + no more friend/community guessing [netwolf]
CHANGE: new FakeCheck autoupdate system [DropF]
CHANGE: if a file corruption is detected on start, auto-backups are disabled (and logged) [netwolf]
CHANGE: file completion algorithm to eliminate file locking in completing state [Aw3]
CHANGE: enabled priority/comments change for known files not being shared [DonGato]
CHANGE: when a file is merged the file priority from the old file is used [DonGato]
CHANGE: added indicators for server and shared files priorities [netwolf]
CHANGE: improved drawing of upload progress bar [KuSh]
CHANGE: improved extensive hard drive access for simultaneous hashing and completion [Aw3]
CHANGE: Media Info for complete files is also available [Aw3]
CHANGE: show sources for a file smaller than a PARTSIZE as complete sources in search results [KuSh]
CHANGE: updated ipfilter code to v0.42e code from official client [DropF]
CHANGE: better memory allocation policy for long lists [Aw3]
CHANGE: reload button now is disabled whenever there are files to be hashed [DonGato]
CHANGE: joined channel / private chat on IRC gets focus [katsyonak]
CHANGE: updated Clear completed feature to clear only selected files [DonGato]
CHANGE: we now allow transfers between clients on the same IP (different port) [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated searchlist context menu to download unpaused if clicking on "Download" and paused if not [KuSh]
CHANGE: WebServer: added a clear timeout animated image to disable page refresh [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: extended page refresh to all pages besides preferences and home [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: updated WebServer Tooltip code [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: modified the way a page is refreshed not to force images reload [DonGato]
BUGFIX: 'Return to Default sort' shortcut processing [Aw3]
BUGFIX: sending incorrect MobileMule status packet when file size > 2.3 Gb [Aw3]
BUGFIX: save of IRC channel list sort mode when sort settings aren't in use [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Client & Upload lists initial sort direction when sort settings aren't in use [Aw3]
BUGFIX: initial IRC channel list sort mode when sort settings aren't in use [Aw3]
BUGFIX: initial IRC channel list sort direction [Aw3]
BUGFIX: sort directions while switching between two IRC lists [Aw3]
BUGFIX: list sorting direction while switching [Aw3/xrmb]
BUGFIX: wrong Info pane client software information [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Info pane localization for High/Low IDs [Aw3]
BUGFIX: temporary file wasn't deleted after failure of completion copy [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed file details Source Names sorting [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: crash on exit after failed or impossible start [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected downloaded data calculation [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected calculation of available parts counter [SyruS]
BUGFIX: I.C.H. algorithm redownloaded more data than required for recovery [Aw3]
BUGFIX: lost data calculation didn't take corrupted compressed packets into consideration [Aw3]
BUGFIX: RX data sorting for better I/O performance [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Internet Connection Check now use threads to not lock up the GUI while checking [kuchin]
BUGFIX: processing of corrupted compressed packets [Aw3]
BUGFIX: the same data requests from multiple sources after corrupted compressed packet [Aw3]
BUGFIX: file transferred amount calculation [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fix bug that let the Sources SortItem displayed when hitting CTRL-F [KuSh]
BUGFIX: dispatch of search results between tabs [KuSh]
BUGFIX: more precise timing of server keepalive [SyruS]
BUGFIX: multi-monitor issue with the tooltips should be resolved now [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: checking Internet Connection even after you forced a disconnect was fixed [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed a problem where a source was assigned to a completed file [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed problem with the closing of ban message windows crashing the client [DonGato]
BUGFIX: deadlock during list updates {muley} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed bug which was deleting the system's icon image list (official) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: possible crash due to corrupt comment packet (official) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: fixed bug with delayed answer to hashset request (official) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: prevent unwanted clients from becoming friends (official) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: compression wasn't used for files without extension [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected display of '&' in Category submenu and on Search category tabs [Aw3]
BUGFIX: <Enter> action in edit/new server dialogs [Aw3]
BUGFIX: minor corrections of shared file list context menu [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed inability to receive instant messages [xrmb]
BUGFIX: corrupted gui.dat processing; save gui.dat after failed startup [Aw3]
BUGFIX: part status localization in shared file list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: potential crash which can be caused by control characters in server name and server description [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: open of configuration files accessed for reading by other processes [Aw3]
BUGFIX: completing files sort issue when 'Show paused and stopped files last' is enabled [Aw3/katsyonak]
BUGFIX: display of '&' in closable tab control [Aw3]
BUGFIX: GDI resource unloading in Shortcut Preferences page [Aw3]
BUGFIX: loss of client uploading turn during part file flushing and single part hashing [Aw3]
BUGFIX: memory leak during archive preview [Aw3]
BUGFIX: eliminated double .part.met backup & save on closure [Aw3]
BUGFIX: synchronization of manual backup message boxes with Preferences dialog [Aw3]
BUGFIX: several graphical blinks on server list update [Aw3]
BUGFIX: rare RX/TX stream corruption caused by reading Media Info for File Details [Aw3]
BUGFIX: wrong titles were displayed in HTTP download dialogs [DropF]
BUGFIX: slightly corrected known file merging in case of similar shared files [Aw3]
BUGFIX: potential crash which can be caused by specific debug message [Aw3]
BUGFIX: shared directory list corruption caused by asynchronous access [Aw3]
BUGFIX: shared directory list processing to eliminate double list entries [Aw3]
BUGFIX: unused pixel in Upload/On Queue progress bar [xrmb]
BUGFIX: initial Queue list sort mode when sort settings aren't in use [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed IRC Nick/Status sorting [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: fixed a problem with Initialize not working in some cases [DonGato]
BUGFIX: several color corrections for non-standard color schemes [Aw3]
BUGFIX: after a serverlist update error the list goes blank [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: fixed image preload [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: fixed an issue with logs that made Mozilla miss some lines [DonGato/katsyonak]
BUGFIX: WebServer: some special characters were not displaying in the logs [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: WebServer: solved problem with File Info and partfile directory [DonGato]
09.04.04 | eMulePlus 1k
FEATURE: added counter-filtering feature for filtered server ports [KuSh/DropF]
FEATURE: added upload log (CSV format) to log upload sessions [DonGato]
FEATURE: added indication of completed chunks with an * in Shared Files list [DonGato]
FEATURE: added optional confirmations for disconnect and friend deletion [Aw3]
FEATURE: added preferences for smart filter [SyruS]
FEATURE: added big and nice client icons for Client Details dialog [Aw3]
FEATURE: added slidebar in Preferences dialog [DropF/FoRcHa]
FEATURE: now if you click over the File Type icon the file details dialog is shown [DonGato]
FEATURE: added Edit option for serverlist context menu [DropF]
FEATURE: watch clipboard for ed2k links (official) and download to assigned or selected category [netwolf]
FEATURE: added option to keep paused and stopped files at bottom of the DownloadList [KuSh/DonGato]
FEATURE: added statistics for SUI, Low ID and Problematic clients and number of Active Downloads [netwolf]
FEATURE: added option to automatically clear completed files [netwolf/KuSh]
FEATURE: 'Swap all A4AF sources to other files' by using right-click menu or customizable shortcut [netwolf]
FEATURE: added button to toggle between Shared and All Known files in Shared files window [netwolf]
FEATURE: added option to view A4AF sources count on Sources column [KuSh]
FEATURE: show remaining files to be hashed counter in Shared files window [netwolf]
FEATURE: proper scheduler shift set on client restart [DonGato]
FEATURE: Search: show the number of complete sources by search [Eklmn]
FEATURE: Search: added 'More' button and feature [KuSh]
FEATURE: Search: added file extension field to search arguments [KuSh]
FEATURE: Search: display known but not shared files in a different color (orange) [netwolf]
FEATURE: Shared files: display downloading (incomplete) files in gray, Jumpstart files in light blue [netwolf]
FEATURE: WebServer: file rename now possible in transfers page [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: added Complete Sources column for Shared Files page [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: now progress bar is also dimmed for paused/stopped downloads [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: added color to the logs [katsyonak]
CHANGE: removed Jigle search and updated FileDonkey in both GUI and WebServer [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated ICR v2.14 (new way of blocking, better handle of last chunk selection) [Eklmn]
CHANGE: "SLUGFILLER:SafeHash" partialy replaced by code, that produce minimal lock & is more robust [Eklmn]
CHANGE: reworked and corrected Add Friend dialog [Aw3]
CHANGE: indirect flush of data to the disk if chunk was complete [Eklmn]
CHANGE: improved cleaning of dead clients in waiting queue [Eklmn/KuSh]
CHANGE: improved processing of the "startup"/"session time" timer [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved string processing [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved blocking synchronization for completing file hashing [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized part status writing [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized hash calculation [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved fakelist download, and added fakes.rar file support [DropF/KuSh/BavarianSnail]
CHANGE: improved File and Client Detail dialog processing [Aw3]
CHANGE: updated handling of multiple instances so you can send commands to the one you want to [kuchin/DonGato]
CHANGE: improved context menu creation [Aw3]
CHANGE: selects the currently set temp resp. incoming directory in the browser dialog [res]
CHANGE: improved and corrected implementation of saving thread [Aw3]
CHANGE: more accurate output of some statistics percentage values [netwolf]
CHANGE: improved hash to string conversion [Aw3]
CHANGE: detailed filter statistic [Eklmn]
CHANGE: update (speed optimization & output in stats tree) of the countermeasures against unfair client [Eklmn]
CHANGE: improved user hash generation algorithm (more unique values) [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized hash processings [Aw3]
CHANGE: replaced all zero filled memsets with optimized memzero [Aw3/katsyonak]
CHANGE: added category name to log, popup and e-mail notifier (when a download is added or finished) [netwolf]
CHANGE: after clearing search parameters or removing all search tabs, set focus to Name (and clear it) [netwolf]
CHANGE: improved processor optimized code [katsyonak/Aw3]
CHANGE: upload auto priority now sets very well spread files to Low priority [netwolf]
CHANGE: ed2k protocol: new way of sorting boolean arguments in server's search requests [KuSh]
CHANGE: ed2k protocol: removed requesting of file status for files <= PARTSIZE [KuSh]
CHANGE: ed2k protocol: sources requests are now sent with one TCP frame to the local server [KuSh]
BUGFIX: crash on known file deletion in some cases [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected addition in DL-queue of the file [Aw3/Eklmn]
BUGFIX: processing of corrupted compression stream [Aw3]
BUGFIX: very rare decompression problem for highly compressed data [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed security exploit in IRC module and Web server (from official) [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: corrected client software detection [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: initial sorting of server list by Static criteria [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected handling of leecher clients in "countermeasures against unfair client" [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed priority jump to release completion of the file [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed filename update after rename in file details [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: 'All' file type was always selected for web service search requestes [Aw3]
BUGFIX: solved several potential crashes when filename contains '%' [Aw3]
BUGFIX: some fixes/code changes over InfoListCtrl [DonGato]
BUGFIX: tooltip display for file size > 2 Gb [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed source check for lancast sources & memleak connected to it [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: display of Available Parts and Last Seen Complete for file size > 2.3 Gb [Aw3]
BUGFIX: IRC underline/apostroph bugfix (from official) [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: possible memleak & loss of block request by OP_REQUESTPARTS [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: solved potential crash which can be caused by corrupted preferences.ini [Aw3]
BUGFIX: GDI resource loss after toolbar skin changing [Aw3]
BUGFIX: solved all problems with display of '&' in File and Client Details dialogs [Aw3]
BUGFIX: scrolling of 'Currently downloading' field from Client Details dialog [Aw3]
BUGFIX: AVI file information for file size > 2Gb [Aw3]
BUGFIX: bogus display of AVI audio bitrate in some cases [Aw3]
BUGFIX: valid user hash check [Aw3]
BUGFIX: scheduler shift sometimes wasn't checked [DonGato]
BUGFIX: multiple link copy to clipboard is more compatible [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed sorting of ETA, AVG ETA, TimeRemaining, AvgTimeRemaining columns [KuSh]
BUGFIX: display bug in Server window buttons when using XP visual styles [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: processing files with size = 0 modulo PARTSIZE [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed block reservation by deleted client [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed the excessive resizing on column resize [KuSh]
BUGFIX: fixed user hash masking for MlDonkey [Aw3]
BUGFIX: ICR, prevent request of the part where does not left any empty block [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: leading/trailing spaces in pasted ed2k links no longer give invalid link [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: decision whether to compress packets or not was case sensitive (+ added some file extensions) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: fixed About dialog and Splash screen when system font is not standard [Aw3]
BUGFIX: proper display of Jumpstart files if set to auto upload priority [netwolf]
BUGFIX: fix for Preallocate handling of exceptions [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixes for ed2k source links [KuSh/DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: search list ED2K link for file size > 2 Gb [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: minor visual fixes for Mozilla based browsers [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: fixed eMuleLight template ed2k box for Opera browsers [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: fix on templates for category context menu [KuSh]
26.01.04 | eMulePlus 1j
FEATURE: added some more actions customizable by shortcut management for Download window [DonGato]
FEATURE: added downloading file rename and cleanup box customizable by shortcut management [netwolf]
FEATURE: expand/collapse sources by pressing +/- key [netwolf]
FEATURE: added a debug message for files before they start to be hashed [DonGato]
FEATURE: added keyboard DEL and INS actions to Friends list for easy operation [DonGato]
FEATURE: auto priority is now available for completed files using complete sources values [DonGato]
FEATURE: display own userhash in log at startup [SyruS]
FEATURE: added unique setting on Queue and Known lists to set the autoupdate option (high CPU usage) [DonGato]
FEATURE: Rich Edit Log, Serverinfo & Debug log (added color to the logs) [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added Keep-Alive option for server connections (from official) [DonGato]
FEATURE: Rich Edit IRC/Messages (added copy text to clipboard & save logs as RTF) [katsyonak]
CHANGE: statusbar is now erased when log or debuglog are erased [KuSh]
CHANGE: some code optimizations [Aw3/KuSh]
CHANGE: MD4 calculation optimization [Aw3]
CHANGE: caseinsensitive handling of community-sharing [SyruS]
CHANGE: added ed2k-link to .txtsrc files so in case of .part.met corruption you know what to search for [netwolf]
CHANGE: added Queue Full (QF) to sources information in tooltips [netwolf]
CHANGE: update the way Limitless download is enabled in preferences [DonGato]
CHANGE: new complete/completing icons [Psy]
BUGFIX: fixed string format buffer overflow with status command line argument [KuSh]
BUGFIX: category column sorting bug fix [KuSh]
BUGFIX: prevent from connect to the same server every time [KuSh]
BUGFIX: localization fixes [KuSh]
BUGFIX: some problems with InfoListCtrl (File/Source details in Download Window) [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: files weren't added to shared files if all blocks recovered by ICH [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: wrong values in categories because completed files weren't counted [DonGato]
BUGFIX: having non existing directories in shareddir.dat inhibits setting drive letter bold [DonGato]
BUGFIX: close of chat by button now sets focus on the last tab (for multiple closing) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: data transfer after cancel request [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: memleak in UDP socket [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fix to limit requests to block borders [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: fixed command line server link loading (server was removed) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed cumulative statistics totals for uploads and downloads [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed document filtered search [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed unknown sources due to addition of already known clients [Eklmn/DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed precedence of category selection on WebServer and Search over Auto Cat feature [DonGato]
BUGFIX: removed FPU optimizations for non-MMX CPUs because of 100% corruption on downloads [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fix for statistics tree update delay not being obeyed [netwolf]
BUGFIX: fixed wrong server duration times (current and total) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: fixed the packet handling [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: added second sort to avoid jumping of non-eMule clients when sources are sorted by QR [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed change of sort by preferences in search list when a search is going on [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed sort for double columns in server list [morevit/DonGato]
BUGFIX: corrected tooltip font color [DropF]
BUGFIX: corrected SF Ratio on queue list [DonGato]
BUGFIX: corrected type switching in InfoList [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed Search sorting by size [DonGato]
BUGFIX: force update of status categories when files are paused, stopped, resumed or completed [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed queue filtering reseting some values [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed cleanup on File Details when the whole file name is selected [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed A4AF icon showing without file status icons enabled [DonGato]
BUGFIX: integer size of transferred bytes in WebServer is too small for files over 2 Gb [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: WebServer: fixed some Javascript errors when using localizations [DonGato]
09.12.03 | eMulePlus 1i
FEATURE: added context menu to save IRC/Messages to disk (from official v0.30d) [katsyonak]
FEATURE: inactive IRC/Messages window receiving new text becomes highlighted until you select it [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added an option to copy comments to clipboard [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added Norwegian (Bokmal) Language [True Neo]
FEATURE: added auto-complete for search text (search history) (from official v0.30d) [katsyonak]
FEATURE: inactive log window receiving new text becomes highlighted until you select it [kuchin]
FEATURE: auto-check for new eMule Plus version [kuchin]
FEATURE: added smart source filtering [morevit]
FEATURE: compression support within client<->server communication [Eklmn]
FEATURE: support of extended UDP file search [Eklmn]
FEATURE: multiple shortcuts management and customization [DropF]
FEATURE: files and sources can be sorted at the same time. sorting prefs provide default only [morevit]
FEATURE: source filtering from the file context menu [morevit]
FEATURE: new icons for file status and other features in GUI and WebServer [Psy]
FEATURE: FPU/MMX/AMD/SSE optimized memset [katsyonak]
FEATURE: FPU/MMX/SSE optimized memcpy [katsyonak]
FEATURE: automated FakeCheck reports are now shown in search results (from MorphNext) [DropF]
FEATURE: FakeCheck preferences configuration (URL, autoupdate, update) [DropF]
FEATURE: report Fake or check a file by using right click (from MorphNext) [DropF]
FEATURE: columns in the transfer window can be resized to text with a double-click on the column separator [morevit]
FEATURE: new File and Client detail dialogs [FoRcHa]
FEATURE: preallocate disk space option for files to reserve space and not loose sources during allocation(threaded) [DonGato]
FEATURE: Initialize option to recover "erroneous" files without restarting (will not work always) [DonGato]
FEATURE: added "Average Speed", "Averaged Time Remaining", "ETA", and "Averaged ETA" columns to DL list [morevit]
FEATURE: a new log entry was added for files that have been hashed with a remaining files counter [DonGato]
FEATURE: now you can apply filters to upload queue (Banned, Friends and With Credits) [DonGato]
FEATURE: merged Known Clients list from official client [DonGato]
FEATURE: added a session time clock to the status bar [morevit]
FEATURE: added predefined status/media type categories [morevit]
FEATURE: added a "Time Waited" column in the download list [morevit]
FEATURE: new full file status icons (and a preference to turn it off) [morevit]
FEATURE: added an option to display paused files in light colors rather than grey (and a pref) [morevit]
FEATURE: GetPartFileStatusID() returns pseudo-status IDs corresponding to GetPartFileStatus() [morevit]
FEATURE: visual notification for the file which is set to "download from all A4AF sources (auto)" [DropF]
FEATURE: ability to remove shared file comment [kuchin]
FEATURE: WebServer: added Reboot PC to the options menu [katsyonak]
FEATURE: WebServer: added remaining sort possibilities to all lists + sort direction icons [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added eMule+ version check and link menu to main header [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added additional FakeCheck column and per file menu to download list [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added automated FakeCheck shown in search results [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added FakeCheck list update from search tab [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added stalled/active filters and pause in action menu [BavarianSnail]
FEATURE: WebServer: added eMuleXP skin based on chicane's template [Purity|choroy]
FEATURE: WebServer: added stalled filestate to transfer list [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added filetype icons to transfer list, shared files list and search results [Purity]
CHANGE: rewrite of InfoList (Details) handling [Eklmn]
CHANGE: updated IRC code to official v0.30c [katsyonak]
CHANGE: improved NNS handling in A4AF [Eklmn]
CHANGE: speed improvements on the bar shader (from official v0.30d) [katsyonak]
CHANGE: fade-in effect for Splash & About dialogs (Windows 2000 and above only) [katsyonak]
CHANGE: "Get first/last chunks for preview" is now working for .divx movies [n@boleo]
CHANGE: added Date and Time to Serverlog messages [DonGato]
CHANGE: StartNextFile now also takes in account file names (useful for series) [DonGato]
CHANGE: Rich Edit control for all logs (from official v0.30d) [katsyonak]
CHANGE: free disk space needed is now determined with respect to NTFS compression and/or sparse files [katsyonak]
CHANGE: quantized source requests from local server [Eklmn]
CHANGE: auto column sizing in the download list now takes source info into account [morevit]
CHANGE: sorting client-statistics by popularity (and version) [SyruS]
CHANGE: speed optimization in list updating [Eklmn]
CHANGE: mobileMule update 0.6b [Purity]
CHANGE: updated sockets code to official v0.30d [katsyonak]
CHANGE: added 'Other overhead' counters to download and upload statistics [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated Chat and IRC with official code (added closable tabs and history) [DonGato]
CHANGE: a warning was added when you select to backup .part files [DonGato]
CHANGE: now Help buttons on preferences point to the FAQ on our forum [DonGato]
CHANGE: removed priority change for filters (not possible as they are views, not categories) [DonGato]
CHANGE: now time is shown localized in chat messages [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated proxy code to v1.6 (from official v0.30d) [katsyonak]
CHANGE: changed .movie file to store other settings and so renamed to .settings [DonGato]
CHANGE: added source statistics to the file tooltips [morevit]
CHANGE: reinstated the CMuleCtrlItem class in preparation for subclassing [morevit]
CHANGE: GetPartFileStatus() now returns "stalled" status for waiting files that have waited more than 7 days [morevit]
CHANGE: made "SmartOpen" sticky. Modifier keys now toggle the filter [morevit]
CHANGE: files continue to obey "SmartOpen" filter when their state changes [morevit]
CHANGE: WebServer: extended filetype recognition for transfer list, shared files list and search results [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: show failed servers in grey color [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: some minor template and icon updates [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: removed priority and category menus for completed files [DonGato]
BUGFIX: infinite cancel issue [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: possible client collision in FlushBuffer [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: type mismatch in webserver [Eklmn & itsonlyme]
BUGFIX: update of A4AF sources by removing a file [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: crash due to empty (grayed) context menu [Eklmn/kuchin]
BUGFIX: percent completed/remaining is more accurate [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: fixed a problem with dialog focus when changing dialogs [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: deleting folder with exported stats impossible while mule is running [kuchin]
BUGFIX: statistics export to HTML [kuchin]
BUGFIX: quicksorting of searchresults for webserver [SyruS]
BUGFIX: a popup-message prevented closing emule via webserver [SyruS]
BUGFIX: fixed a multi-monitor issue with the tooltips [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: clients without an IP or hash could be added as friends [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: stability improvements in the socket layer [morevit]
BUGFIX: various GUI & resources bugfixes [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed excessive "Client .... was dropped due to timeout" messages [morevit]
BUGFIX: fixed server list sort order when sorted by filename [morevit]
BUGFIX: fixed continuous "flashing" as the upload window is updated [morevit]
BUGFIX: fixed unable to sort after double-clicking a completed file [morevit]
BUGFIX: fixed non-enhanced sort settings not saving in most windows [morevit]
BUGFIX: fixed some non localized strings when changing language [DonGato]
BUGFIX: stabilized download list sorts with a secondary sort on file/source name [morevit]
BUGFIX: when first start without an existing known.met, files to be hashed weren't added [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed errors generated when canceling a file that was auto-paused due to lack of HD space [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed toolbar text disappears after buttons are rearranged [DonGato]
BUGFIX: proper resize of toolbar when language is changed [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed focus not set on notifier click [DonGato]
BUGFIX: you can set an empty incoming dir for a category (wrong) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed small bug in language detection code [EC]
BUGFIX: fixed missing user names on chat message tabs [DonGato]
BUGFIX: multiple opened instances when mass adding links from JS pages [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed "stalled" check => It doesn't go off until 7 days + 1 hr [morevit]
BUGFIX: reinstated the transferring source count => Bad download state detection [morevit]
BUGFIX: removed a bad hack in CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow::AddSocket() => Errors on client socket Close() [morevit]
BUGFIX: WebServer: minor changes and bugfixes like adding missing files to preload section [Purity]
18.09.03 | eMulePlus 1h
FEATURE: anti-scanning measures [Eklmn]
FEATURE: completed implementation of categories [DonGato]
FEATURE: added Secure User Identity support (from official eMule 0.30a) [EC]
FEATURE: added new Hybrid protocol for client-client shared files list request (from official),
use virtual directories to hide real hard disk paths [zegzav]
FEATURE: added Categories [FoRcHa]
FEATURE: added Portuguese (Portugal) Language [koizo]
FEATURE: remote queue progress is now shown and color coded [cendre-eau]
FEATURE: added Merkurs mobileMule Java client version 0.4b (0.30a) [Purity]
FEATURE: comment list contains also comments from lost sources [zegzav]
FEATURE: new statistics (khaos based) [Eklmn]
FEATURE: show filetype icons on searchlist [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added eMail Notifier messages for several warning and information events [Purity]
FEATURE: added columns Soft/Hard Files Limit and Version in server window (from official) [zegzav]
FEATURE: FileType Icons in Shared Files (from official) and also in Downloads [moosetea]
FEATURE: now you can clear completed files or unpause paused files by clicking over status icon [DonGato]
FEATURE: added status icons to the GUI showing files that are completed or paused [DonGato/Psy]
FEATURE: added automated Backup and preferences to customize it [n@boleo]
FEATURE: added eMail Notifier with authentication support and using own threads [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: additional settings to server preferences [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added jigle search [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added category change for download files [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added priority change for categories [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: added SUI icons in upload list and queue + counter [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added expandable khaos stats [Psy|Ju1i3n|Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added category support [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added specific priority change for Downloads, Servers and Shared Files [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: added Quick-Stats line to the WebServer [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added Logout, Close eMule and Shutdown PC options menu [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added add and remove friend options in uploadlist and queues [Purity]
CHANGE: double click behavior option removed (it has no practical use and produce some usability flaws) [DonGato]
CHANGE: servers used for Internet Connection Checking can now be customized in the preferences.ini [DonGato]
CHANGE: fixed loading of multiple files from Web page by using official code [DonGato]
CHANGE: when you rename a downloading file the associated entry at Shared Files is updated [DonGato]
CHANGE: removed server showing on systray tooltips as it has flaws we can't solve [DonGato]
CHANGE: added customization (by INI only) of sites used for checking Internet connection [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated Incoming directory handling to take account of categories [DonGato]
CHANGE: added mobileMule guide link to webservices [Purity]
CHANGE: added Config directory structure from official [DonGato]
CHANGE: Client Credits expire after 5 months of inactivity [EC]
CHANGE: Credits.dat is the same as official eMule (0.30a) [EC]
CHANGE: updated complete sources (0.07a: display range of values) + compatibility with official [zegzav]
CHANGE: added option to show transferred data on Completed column [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated CemuleDlg::AddServerMessageLine() to official 0.30a (better string handling) [bond006]
CHANGE: now you can set multiple files to drop supercompressed blocks [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated ToClipboard JS function to support Mozilla/Netscape browsers [DonGato]
CHANGE: standardization of forms visual rendering (no more weird button positions in Opera/Mozilla) [DonGato]
CHANGE: added STOPPED visual status and corrected other things related [DonGato]
CHANGE: send to the server a number of shared files below the soft limit (from official) [zegzav]
CHANGE: auto-update Name and Description columns in Server window (from official) [zegzav]
CHANGE: removed Safe Connect as it is not needed anymore [DonGato/Eklmn]
CHANGE: notification handling now also controls eMail Notifier messages [Purity]
CHANGE: added a separated file for Debug log messages (debug.log) [DonGato]
CHANGE: multiselection for JumpStart files [DonGato]
CHANGE: now showing "never" instead of "unknown" for Last Reception [Andrerib]
CHANGE: updated BtnST.cpp to official 0.29c for improved debugging [bond006]
CHANGE: changed INI interface to improve the speed of config-file access [bond006]
CHANGE: WebServer: update header with connection state just after a command is issued [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: general server page cleanup [Psy|Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: fixed webbased search and extended normal and webbased search [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: quicksort users on waitingqueue and other speed optimization [SyruS]
CHANGE: WebServer: general search page clean-up and ed2k download link pop-up for single files [Purity|Psy]
CHANGE: WebServer: added choosable colums and sorting in search page [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: added icons for download state and number of sources in searchresult [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: added sort possibilities in upload list and upload queue [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: Jumpstart is only selectable for completed files [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: auto-size WebServer menus in all lists [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: enable limitless download on setting to 0, disable on setting a specific value [SyruS]
BUGFIX: the connection settings for the scheduler were never retrieved from the preferences.ini file [DonGato]
BUGFIX: as we have many options in preferences in some languages the last ones weren't accesible, it was fixed [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed save/load of statistics values of overhead to ini [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: toolbar skin change now works without a restart or moving over all buttons [DonGato]
BUGFIX: updated mass add ed2k links from clipboard to take care of links ending only with "|" [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed tooltip not being changed when mouse wheel is used [DonGato]
BUGFIX: adding "%d" characters for servername causes weird log outputs [bond006]
BUGFIX: fixed security issue in message processing of chat [bond006]
BUGFIX: fixed security issue (servername format string vulnerabilities) [bond006]
BUGFIX: fixed security issue (OP_SERVERMESSAGE format string vulnerability) [bond006]
BUGFIX: fixed the enable/disable ban function [DbT]
BUGFIX: fixed ban of leecher MODs [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: banned clients don't get an uploadslot and are kicked back on waiting queue [SyruS]
BUGFIX: double clicking a completed/paused file doesn't clear/unpause it anymore [DonGato]
BUGFIX: disabling advanced sorting in Preferences now doesn't resort lists [DonGato]
BUGFIX: Change destination directory now shows root directories [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed Community Sharing for not giving QR increase to non community users [DonGato]
BUGFIX: open systray dialog sticks when you right-click another area on desktop [bond006]
BUGFIX: 'Restart waiting downloads' option wasn't used [DonGato]
BUGFIX: saved sources were loaded on start if there was no server connection [DonGato]
BUGFIX: set a default value for UseRemoteQueueLimit [bond006]
BUGFIX: crash on minimize [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: WebServer: fixed disconnection while trying to connect [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: solved client-type and file/server state background picture problem [Purity]
26.07.03 | eMulePlus 1g
FEATURE: new DL client speed measurement system [Eklmn]
FEATURE: Intelligent Chunk Request (ICR v2.10 06.07.2003), replaces Vorlost's code [Eklmn]
FEATURE: new A4AF engine [Eklmn]
FEATURE: set manually added servers to High Priority (from official) [netwolf]
FEATURE: filter servers listed in IPfilter dat and DynIP servers (from official),
and remove if "update from servers/clients" is disabled [netwolf]
FEATURE: automatic serverconnect without Proxy (from official) [netwolf]
FEATURE: specify path to WebServer template in preferences (from official) [netwolf]
FEATURE: show average session speed and session transfer/time for completed files [SyruS]
FEATURE: smoothed "remaining time" calculation based on average downloadrate (bond006) [SyruS]
FEATURE: capitalize roman numerals during cleanup [SyruS]
FEATURE: several new countermeasures against unfair clients [katsyonak/xrmb]
FEATURE: added option to disable rating icons [netwolf]
FEATURE: memcpy() optimized for AMD (works faster in 2-2.5 times) [Eklmn]
FEATURE: show server/connection state in tray tooltips [DoubleT]
FEATURE: data logging of unknown tags and packets [DoubleT]
FEATURE: option to en/disable the banning feature [DoubleT]
FEATURE: logging countermeasures made optional [Netwolf]
FEATURE: WebServer: added JumpStart to Shared Files context menu [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: allow caching of images by browser [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: added 'Auto A4AF' as an action for files [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added eMuleLight template [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: added popup menus for actions [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: client counter for each upload queue [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added option to drop Not Needed Sources in download list [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added option to drop super-compressed blocks in download list [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: show and change server priority in server list [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added customizable Intruder Detection (Johnny-B) [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: added 'Force A4AF' as an action for files [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: server status in serverlist [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: ed2k serverlink icon in serverlist [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: connections graph [kuchin]
FEATURE: WebServer: show client type/version/extra icons in lists [Purity]
FEATURE: WebServer: clear all or single completed files [SyruS]
FEATURE: WebServer: show completed files (0.28b) [SyruS]
FEATURE: WebServer: different shades of blue in progress bars [Julien]
FEATURE: WebServer: add/remove servers to/from static serverlist [Purity]
CHANGE: StopFile function was rewritten to increase speed & prevent memleaks [Eklmn]
CHANGE: added new file state PS_STOPPED for futher needs [Eklmn]
CHANGE: now showing "never" instead of "unknown" in Last Seen Complete column [Andrerib]
CHANGE: outgoing filtering [Eklmn]
CHANGE: A4AF source on "Pause" will be switched to other files [Eklmn]
CHANGE: merged missing UPD answers in ClientUDPSocket [DonGato]
CHANGE: Limitless Download was added to solve download limit not reached problem [DonGato]
CHANGE: now using Ottavio's SLS system [netwolf]
CHANGE: improved client identification (MLdonkey & Hybrids) [Eklmn]
CHANGE: better identification HighID<->LowID change [Eklmn]
CHANGE: added option to preferences for average downloadrate and smoothed remaining time showing [DonGato]
CHANGE: Jumpstart support in Shared Files list (output, sorting...) [Eklmn]
CHANGE: added support for source exchange v2 [Eklmn]
CHANGE: changed banning messages in log and debuglog to be more informative [DonGato]
CHANGE: removed some excessive debuglog messages [DoubleT/DonGato]
CHANGE: source functions NewSrcPartsInfo & UpdateAvailablePartsCount were merged (speed optimization) [Eklmn]
CHANGE: don't close filedetails on pressing enter (do a rename instead, ESC closes) [SyruS]
CHANGE: code cleanup (m_modVerString & m_modExtendedString converting to CString) [DoubleT]
CHANGE: cleanup of preferences options [netwolf]
CHANGE: complete sources updated (UDP support) [netwolf/zegzav]
CHANGE: hide greyed-out "add/remove from static server" contextmenu in serverlist [SyruS]
CHANGE: added total UL:DL ratio to statistics [katsyonak]
CHANGE: tags supplemented and sorted [DoubleT]
CHANGE: code cleanup (removing buffers with arbitrary sizes) [TwoBottle Mod]
CHANGE: code cleanup (converting char* to CString in class members) [TwoBottle Mod]
CHANGE: code cleanup (moving repeating code to helper functions) [TwoBottle Mod]
CHANGE: added "last reception" to filedetail-dialog and infolist [SyruS]
CHANGE: WebServer: added missing sort possibilities in transfer and server list [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: updated code to indicate the last changed dataset in every list [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: updated code to indicate different filestates in all lists [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: updated interface to show Auto A4AF, SCB, JumpStart & Release files [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: changed code to be more compatible with browsers [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: now ed2k links are copied to clipboard instead of executed [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: updated code to take care of erroneous and hashing files [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: when an invalid password is entered a warning is shown in the login screen [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: all icons are pre-loaded now [Janes Bong]
CHANGE: WebServer: separated upload queue into friends, banned, high credit and other clients [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: IP logging for admin/guest/failed login and logout [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: reduced large servernames or descriptions to fit on a reduced screen size [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: split uploadlist and uploadqueue like downloadlist [Purity]
CHANGE: WebServer: extra icon for clearing completed files action [SyruS]
CHANGE: WebServer: graphs now work for all browsers [Julien]
CHANGE: WebServer: minor template and image tweaks [Purity]
BUGFIX: crash of emule by wrong template due to incorrect handle of websockets [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed the download bug for files >2GB (bluecow) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: Connection Profile Setting can be saved now [EC]
BUGFIX: large CPU load in case of "Stop File" & "Cancel" [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: completing bug (eMule can't complete a file, if file is uploaded) [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: reconnection bug (sometimes eMule doesn't reconnect after disconnection) [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: auto reconnection to another server after client was disconnected [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: incorrect deletion of filtered and banned(thieves) clients [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: incorrect clearing of Search Window (Clear() function) & some optimization in RemoveResults() [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: incorrect cleaning of "Completed Files" in "Clear All" case [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: possible memleak in Send* functions (BaseClient) [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: solved problem with browse buttons from preferences not triggering the apply button on modify [DonGato]
BUGFIX: ED2k links from web browsers weren't decoded properly [EC]
BUGFIX: Serverlist: bug in GetNextServer, added timer exception & some optimization [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: memleak due reconnection to another server [dpr & Eklmn]
BUGFIX: When starting a second search before first is finished, Search results are messed up.
Only one Search at a time can be done now [EC]
BUGFIX: SafeConnect [Eklmn & SlugFiller]
BUGFIX: merged CloseSocket & DestroySocket (LowID problem) [Eklmn & I2K]
BUGFIX: conflict between upload logic & LANcast [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: prevent possible spread of last corrupted part [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: *.part.met wasn't closed after loading (aka "corrupted file problem") [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: by shutdown force OS flush data direct to disk (idea from SlugFiller) [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed download timeouts [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: major bug in download [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: server priorities work now [EC]
BUGFIX: now Jumpstart checks every block [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: speed optimization in UploadQueue (GetDownloadingClient doesn't exist anymore) [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: don't cleanup Chinese and other non alphanumeric letters [SyruS]
BUGFIX: solved problem with 'ghost' filenames in FileDetails window [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: memleak due FileException in UploadClient.cpp [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: solved bug related to UDP search [japg2000]
BUGFIX: refresh whole downloadlist after source update [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: improved output in statusbar (update only tray or window) [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: socket will not be destoyed if server is changed during connecting [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: wrong count of failed server connection attempts, to check inet connection [kuchin]
BUGFIX: included 4 fixes from Slugfiller: SafeHash [SyruS]
- corrected gap loading code
- pre-emptive part file end-to-length adjustment code
- check case of multiple chunks changed in flushbuffer code
- quick fallback (stop hashing when emule is shutting down)
BUGFIX: don't add "mins" to textbox (advanced/ban threshold) [SyruS]
BUGFIX: added log entry for deleting servers from static server list [Purity]
BUGFIX: fixed access violation after file completion [TwoBottle Mod]
BUGFIX: small correction in Listensocket (case:OP_ACCEPTUPLOADREQ) [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: don't check client twice if he got full chunk [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: update tooltip only in case corresponding WM_MESSAGE (otherwise can lead to crash) [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: bugfix for completed files being rehashed and duplicate entry in known.met (bluecow) [SyruS]
BUGFIX: no full chunk transfer for user outside the LAN [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: keeping user in queue if he doesn't need anything [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: files were paused not properly [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: graph doesn't show the average upload rate until you've started downloading [Cax2]
BUGFIX: sort by Time [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: selecting 'Last seen complete' on 'Sort download by' resulted in a Sort by Time [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: supercompressed blocks were not written to file [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: resource cleanup due to CResizableDialog [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: resource cleanup due to ImageLists recreation [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: "last reception" was never "unknown" - now it's unknown when transferred=0 [SyruS]
BUGFIX: WebServer: fixed sorting servers by IP [Purity]
BUGFIX: WebServer: fixed problem when displaying autopriority files priority [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: when priority is changed for a shared file the GUI is updated [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: erroneously showing files as complete should be resolved [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: corrected Priority showing [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: WebServer: solved problem with files using '&' on Shared Files [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: guest can become admin [Julien]
BUGFIX: WebServer: solved problem with upload tooltips [DonGato]
27.05.03 | eMulePlus 1f
FEATURE: JumpStart [obaldin/LF_]
FEATURE: prelisted addresses.dat URLs in download server.met dialog [kuchin/EC]
FEATURE: comments can be filtered by wordlist [netwolf/SyruS]
FEATURE: slowly drop 'No needed parts' and 'Queue Full' sources when softlimit is reached [netwolf]
FEATURE: standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A (official) [netwolf]
FEATURE: enhanced source finding (bluecow) [netwolf]
FEATURE: complete sources (by zegzav) [netwolf]
FEATURE: enhanced tooltips [JoeyRamone]
FEATURE: search for documents [netwolf/kuchin]
FEATURE: ability to filter search by 'NOT' keywords [kuchin]
FEATURE: LowId to HighId automatic callback [enkeyDev]
FEATURE: support for non-IP ed2k server links [netwolf]
FEATURE: added Shareaza client identification [moosetea]
FEATURE: added Turkish Language [EC/BouRock]
FEATURE: enhanced customizable filename cleanup [SyruS]
FEATURE: delete selected text when clicking on "cleanup" in filedetaildialog [SyruS]
CHANGE: cleanup: leave "TV" capitalized, make "v" in front of version lowercase [SyruS]
CHANGE: default button of "allow multiple instances" messagebox is now "no" [SyruS]
CHANGE: minor fixes and improvements [netwolf]
CHANGE: added Windows Server 2003 detection support [netwolf]
CHANGE: storing/loading of server.met is now thread safe (for future use) [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: new client icons for unknown, cdonkey, shareaza and lmule [moosetea/DrSiRiUs]
CHANGE: moved over some of the parts of client identification from 28a,
display lMule stats and better Mldonkey detection [moosetea]
CHANGE: added support for some additional filetypes (search) [netwolf]
CHANGE: made dropping supercompressed blocks a per-file setting [obaldin]
CHANGE: changed some column header justifications [netwolf]
CHANGE: increased download progress bar height [netwolf]
CHANGE: minor source exchange tuning [netwolf]
CHANGE: default main process priority is normal [netwolf]
CHANGE: downloadlist right-click options grayed if not available [netwolf]
CHANGE: increased comments window and column width (now even 50 character comments can be seen without scrolling) [netwolf]
CHANGE: check community string only when community is enabled (optimisation) [TwoBottle Mod]
CHANGE: optimisations in sockets [TwoBottle Mod]
CHANGE: min queue size 1000, default 3000 [kuchin]
CHANGE: max queue size 10000 [netwolf]
CHANGE: increased FileBufferSize [netwolf]
CHANGE: filter invalid clients [Mr Faber]
CHANGE: remaining column is split to 2 separate columns (MB + % and Time) [katsyonak]
CHANGE: no more sharing of corrupted chunks [Slugfiller]
CHANGE: server now disconnected properly on eMule Plus exit (based on 0.28a) [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: queue full sources are droped too on 'Drop unneeded sources' [katsyonak]
CHANGE: ed2k-links not added if filesize > 4 GB (from official) [netwolf]
CHANGE: minor changes [netwolf]
CHANGE: webserver templates improved [kuchin]
CHANGE: less use of CPU when we have many sources [obaldin]
CHANGE: statistics graphs look nicer [BavarianSnail]
CHANGE: new metatag for float value [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: display of file updated directly after cleanup [SyruS]
BUGFIX: fixed memory leak when invalid hello packet was received [TwoBottle Mod]
BUGFIX: fixed memory leak when invalid part file is processed [TwoBottle Mod]
BUGFIX: fixed memory leak when invalid info packet was received [TwoBottle Mod]
BUGFIX: fixed memory leak (save file error) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: guests can't clear serverinfo logs anymore [netwolf]
BUGFIX: date/time is shown under local settings anywhere [netwolf]
BUGFIX: slight download speedup in some cases [obaldin]
BUGFIX: fixed a problem with queue size setting [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: fixed internet connection check reseting the connection attempts if dead servers but connection exists [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: unbanning client - icon doesn't update immediately [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: fixed memory leak in case of invalid part file [TwoBottle Mod]
BUGFIX: alternating statistics, server occupation is now stored under servers [moosetea]
BUGFIX: added 3 missing invalid chars for filenames [SyruS]
BUGFIX: don't move uninitialized memory (Maella) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: minor fixes [netwolf]
BUGFIX: saving preferences on first start of new eMule Plus version [kuchin]
BUGFIX: fixed memory leak when lowid happened [TwoBottle Mod]
BUGFIX: fixed memory leak with some invalid packets received [TwoBottle Mod]
BUGFIX: when a file completes it keeps showing 0.0% [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: minor fixes and code snippets [netwolf]
BUGFIX: memory leak in KnownFile [UVman]
BUGFIX: fixed 'Show shared files' [SyruS]
BUGFIX: wrong SOCKS5 authentication packet sent [tim2k]
BUGFIX: no more 'Show all comments' right click option on completed files [netwolf]
BUGFIX: fixed a list corruption when scrolling with MS mouse [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: fixed a small memory leak and assertion in IRC code [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: auto-paused files are not downloaded anymore (by sivka) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: column width in transfer window no more changed to 0 on doubleclick (from official) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: webserver search: skip results with 0 sources, 0 filesize, empty filename [kuchin]
BUGFIX: avoid a FNF status when we just start a download and have no finished parts yet [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: correct status update in transfer window when starting and finishing to complete a file [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: double size information on tooltip [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: minor fixes in webserver [BavarianSnail]
28.04.03 | eMulePlus 1e
FEATURE: caching for webserver images is enabled [kuchin]
FEATURE: when opening the search window make the Name field active automatically [Ultras]
FEATURE: when closing search tabs set focus to the next tab instead of first one [Ultras]
FEATURE: UDP search status is shown in statistic [kuchin]
FEATURE: added a way to defeat 0-filled part senders [BadWolf63]
CHANGE: upgraded sockets and some other things to official 0.28a [kuchin]
CHANGE: webserver templates improved [DonGato/kuchin]
CHANGE: webserver upgraded from official 0.28a [kuchin]
CHANGE: secured variables protection method changed [kuchin]
CHANGE: improved TRY/CATCH code [kuchin]
CHANGE: removed broken DonkeyDoktor support [DonGato]
BUGFIX: search: skip results with 0 sources, 0 filesize, empty filename + more try/catch [kuchin]
BUGFIX: fixed a bug with not being able to set some folders as output folder [Lord KiRion]
BUGFIX: fixed few COM/Shell related memory leaks [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: fixed crashes/problems related to 0 size files [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: 0-byte file crash [Ultras]
BUGFIX: changing priority for completed files is no longer available [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: fixed a crash when you add a file that already exists in shared files or queue
through the ED2K Link feature in the Search window [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: fixed a bug with some variable not initialized that was causing crashes on exit [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: "Remove this result" and "Remove All" are now disabled in Search context window
when there are no searches [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: crash when using A4AF [kuchin]
BUGFIX: emule closed without creating dump file [kuchin]
BUGFIX: cancel http download dialog (from official) [kuchin]
BUGFIX: changing column order in Shared Files can mess things [JooeyRamone]
BUGFIX: emule stuck for number of seconds [kuchin]
BUGFIX: reask sources when reconnected to server after disconnect [kuchin]
BUGFIX: more try/catch according to crash dumps [kuchin]
BUGFIX: compressed blocks caused problems [TwoBottleMod]
BUGFIX: fixed problem while showing tooltips for uploading files (GUI/Web Server) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: another check to prevent crash on exit, does not deal with real problem
(the real reason is still unknown) but prevents crash [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: size of compressed packet check by emarc [obaldin]
BUGFIX: isonlan uses alot less cpu [moosetea]
BUGFIX: more crash on exit [TwoBottleMod]
08.04.03 | eMulePlus 1d
FEATURE: Added Basque Language [EC/erein]
CHANGE: you can create links for any known file now [DonGato]
CHANGE: last seen complete and last downloaded are displayed under locale settings [moosetea]
CHANGE: more information added to Server filtering debug message [BavarianSnail]
CHANGE: incorporated tool bar into a rebar control (IE style) [pooz]
BUGFIX: freeze when previewing mpegs smaller than 2 parts [moosetea]
BUGFIX: more try/catch in client UDP code [kuchin]
BUGFIX: toolbar buttons are sqashed together when first one is removed [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: vulnerability to DoS attacks through chat [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: shared files count doesn't update after adding more shared directories [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: log: found X known shared files, hashing Y new files now. Y incorrect when reloading while hashing [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: shared files are not updated when a file is deleted [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: double hashing when incoming directory set shared [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: freeze on start [Cax2]
BUGFIX: small fixes [kuchin]
BUGFIX: fix for LanCast detection [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: corrected check of connected server on doubleclick (now using IP instead of name) [DonGato]
23.03.03 | eMulePlus 1c
FEATURE: standard MOD_VERSION identification both sent & displayed [Cax2]
FEATURE: check if Internet connection is down [kuchin]
FEATURE: new full Scheduler (Night Shift replaced) [DonGato]
FEATURE: separators supported for Web Services [Sp4rK]
FEATURE: remove friends directly using context menu in download, upload and queue lists [reCDVst]
FEATURE: added Romanian Language [EC/bymikeRO]
CHANGE: hashset request for files < partsize fix by bluecow [reCDVst]
CHANGE: implementation of OP_END_OF_DOWNLOAD Hybrid opcode by bluecow [reCDVst]
CHANGE: updated the icon for download list estimated credits show [DonGato]
CHANGE: web server's port change works without restarting the client [Cax2]
CHANGE: rearranged clients stats [Cax2]
CHANGE: tray icon now updated only when eMule minimized to tray:
less CPU usage & removed resource error [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: 'establish friend slot' removed (not good in current zz upload system) [DonGato]
CHANGE: short-order of status column in download list is now
Complete-Completing-Downloading-Waiting-Paused-Errors [zz]
CHANGE: eMule will now run on higher priority by default, "normal" is still an option
but not recommended [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: new Splash Screen design [DrSiRiUs]
CHANGE: added completed and last seen complete columns from official client [reCDVst]
CHANGE: crash/dump window opens only once, auto-closing application after 1 minute [kuchin]
CHANGE: upload and queue list control design caused constant resource leaks,
so it was changed to don't have resources leaks anymore [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: Opening multiple Preferences from tray causes lockup when trying to close them [moosetea]
BUGFIX: crash on exit (updownclient and client credits) [kuchin]
BUGFIX: crash on exit (shared files list) [TwoBottleMod]
BUGFIX: 2 Gb Limit by gabest [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: fixed duplicate entries in tempdir.dat [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: while completing, part files are not saved [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: fixed shared files count not updating under certain circumstances [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: fixed eMule doesn't get focus (brought to the front) when clicking on certain windows [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: fixed 0 upload when no files known [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: files forever in 'completing' state [Cax2]
BUGFIX: problem on exit that could cause corrupted part.met [FoRcHa/Cax2]
BUGFIX: no more crashes when adding links [Cax2]
BUGFIX: fixed a memory leak on global search [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: hash list access in Partfile is now multithread protected,
this should take care of some exit crashes [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: memory leak fixed on decompressing "bad" ZIP packets (thanks TwoBottleMod for pointing
this out) [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: code optimizations throughout [Cax2]
BUGFIX: memory usage greatly reduced [Cax2]
BUGFIX: stats graphs - no more anomalous average readings, more accurate [Cax2]
BUGFIX: file preview/ask for first/last chunk works as expected [Cax2]
BUGFIX: minor bugfixes [Sp4rK]
BUGFIX: shared subdirectories don't make parent directories bold if they don't exist [moosetea]
BUGFIX: CPU usage slightly reduced [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: message tab isn't updated after connecting to a friend with an initially blank name [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: check if user is already a friend when adding manually [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: no auto-remove of static servers [kuchin]
BUGFIX: crash on exit while hashing [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: hid "Help" button in customize toolbar [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: enabled Auto priority for Shared Files when multiple selections [DonGato]
BUGFIX: "Reset" button in custom toolbar now working [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: corrected new line on last line in ed2k link creation [DonGato]
BUGFIX: total requests in shared files windows displayed properly [Cax2]
BUGFIX: crash on exit due to LanCast broadcasting [Cax2]
BUGFIX: fix for the so-called Twilight Zone bug [obaldin]
BUGFIX: upload window sorting saved [obaldin]
BUGFIX: friend icon updated immediately [obaldin]
BUGFIX: fixed and improved shell menu, now works in win9x [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: part files info now saved properly [Cax2]
BUGFIX: tried to disconnect right after start [JoeyRamone]
BUGFIX: couple of small resource leaks fixed [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: fix for some problems during app shutdown [TwoBottle Mod]
BUGFIX: fixed a resource leak in some dialogs [TwoBottle Mod]
BUGFIX: fixed a memory leak when some invalid packet is received [TwoBottle Mod]
BUGFIX: fixed a memory overrun (that caused sometimes a crash on exit) [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: updated static servers management (some wrongdoings before) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: average file rating corrected for fair/good ratings [Cax2]
BUGFIX: 'server connection attempt timeout' now works as expected [Cax2]
BUGFIX: selection problem on messaging preferences solved [DonGato]
BUGFIX: 'show all known files' works again [japg2000/netwolf]
BUGFIX: existing search tab is closed if the user files are requested again [DonGato]
BUGFIX: destination directory setting now working [DonGato]
BUGFIX: Comment Dialog ratio retrieved properly (Fair/Good problem) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: Night Shift Enable checkbox now localized [DonGato]
BUGFIX: plus versions shown correctly in download and in client details [Cax2]
BUGFIX: prevented synchronization crash if hashing/rehashing introduced in LAN multicast [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: sorting works correctly for compression column, file priority in queue, and rating in download [Cax2]
BUGFIX: local file name now used in A4AF clients (both in tooltip & inside brackets) [Cax2]
BUGFIX: check if temp folder is appearing more than 1 time in tempdir.dat [kuchin]
BUGFIX: [exchanged sources] are shown instead of ? (Unknown) [Cax2]
BUGFIX: smart lowID feature working again [Cax2]
10.03.03 | eMulePlus 1b
FEATURE: updated translations [Translators team]
FEATURE: added Lithuanian Language [EC/Daan-LT]
FEATURE: added preferences to tray menu [reCDVst]
FEATURE: added shell context menu to shared files menu [reCDVst]
FEATURE: using filters from ipfilter.dat for server filtering by no4one [reCDVst]
FEATURE: filter messages from non-friends or from everyone by kei-kun [reCDVst]
FEATURE: away message by kei-kun [reCDVst]
FEATURE: choose individual output directories for each file by Ottavio84 [reCDVst]
FEATURE: output directory shown in File Details dialog by Ottavio84 [reCDVst]
FEATURE: for "On Queue" sources, in Client Details is shown the time elapsed since entering by Ottavio84 [reCDVst]
FEATURE: view time in messages by Ottavio84 [reCDVst]
FEATURE: reload WebServer templates in runtime [kuchin]
FEATURE: detect on-disk hashset corruption [obaldin]
FEATURE: download all ed2k links in clipboard by Ottavio84 [reCDVst]
FEATURE: create source ed2k links from downloads, puts the best 10 sources in the link by Ottavio84 [reCDVst]
FEATURE: Hostname Sources In Ed2k Superlink by kei-kun [reCDVst]
FEATURE: Lancast: Help the downloads of other clients on your LAN without a private server [moosetea]
FEATURE: Night Shift: now you can set different datarates for the day and night [obaldin/DonGato]
FEATURE: eMule Plus is now allowed to run on a higher priority (requires restart) [Lord KiRon]
FEATURE: toolbar skins (uses *.eMuleToolbar.bmp of any size) [reCDVst]
FEATURE: options for toolbar labels in context menu (none, bottom and right) [reCDVst]
FEATURE: new system tray icon to alert you when connected with lowid [DrSiRiUs/DonGato]
FEATURE: paused files are shown in grey [DonGato]
FEATURE: selected search method remembered between sessions [DonGato]
FEATURE: remote queue limit with minimal effect on the network [Cax2]
CHANGE: users can stop and start lancast as needed from prefs (no restart needed) [moosetea]
CHANGE: updated context menues again because of WebServices addition and code cleanup [DonGato]
CHANGE: added webservices from official client [reCDVst]
CHANGE: added option to show up&down-rates in the title of the programwindow from official client [reCDVst]
CHANGE: added Filter for incoming messages from official client [reCDVst]
CHANGE: updated PartTraffic preferences to enable/disable options when selected [DonGato]
CHANGE: rewritten DownloadList - thanks to Maella [kuchin]
CHANGE: better compatibility with Hybrid by bluecow [reCDVst]
CHANGE: updated xrmb part traffic code [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated client icons [DrSiRiUs]
CHANGE: added autotake ed2k links from official client [DonGato]
CHANGE: added file buffer size from official client [DonGato]
CHANGE: added new comments list from official client [DonGato]
CHANGE: banned client messages are not retained in the Messages window [Cax2]
CHANGE: simplified control panel file options [Cax2]
BUGFIX: WebServer templates more standardized [Nikerabbit]
BUGFIX: comments flag is verified (and removed) if a source is removed from the download list [moosetea]
BUGFIX: file buffer size setting now works [obaldin]
BUGFIX: search by file type now works as intended. Missing results should be due to server [Cax2]
BUGFIX: when start minimized is set 100% Upload is no longer displayed on the trayicon [moosetea]
BUGFIX: fixed a crash when atempting to preview an empty file (preview disabled now) [Lord KiRon/Cax2]
BUGFIX: fixed the order of the ratings on the comments window (now properly made) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed a rare crash that occured sometimes on startup if upload autopriority enabled [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: enabled DonkeyDoctor support again [DonkeyDoctor]
BUGFIX: more bugfixes for A4AF sources showing [Cax2]
BUGFIX: updated and enabled Proxy support from Maverick [deadlake]
BUGFIX: friend details on doubleclick now working (messages window) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: solved context menu problems when no items selected [DonGato]
27.02.03 | eMulePlus 1a
FEATURE: A4AF sources are shown with a gray color [DonGato]
FEATURE: video preview program & mode selectable as per official client [Cax2]
FEATURE: minimize to tray button now better integrated in win XP [zegzav]
FEATURE: more descriptive icons for ratings, average rating shown [DrSiRiUs/DonGato/Cax2]
FEATURE: a message can be sent to banned clients so they'll know they've got banned [DonGato]
FEATURE: you can select to show or not A4AF filenames with each source [DonGato]
FEATURE: open containing folder of shared files in context menu [reCDVst]
FEATURE: added Open Incoming Folder button to Shared Files [reCDVst]
FEATURE: show the uploaded part in () under Parts and on the bar in the Uploads [obaldin]
FEATURE: zz's upload system added to improve upload speed [obaldin]
FEATURE: generation of multiple ed2k links in Search Window [Blaster99/DonGato]
FEATURE: generation of multiple ed2k links in Shared Files Window [DonGato]
FEATURE: single click on the +/- next to the file name expands/collapses the sources [FoRcHa]
CHANGE: context menus updated to not show unusable options [DonGato]
CHANGE: added again Confirm on exit option in preferences [DonGato]
CHANGE: context menus corrected to not show unusable options when there is nothing selected [DonGato]
CHANGE: now SLS options in context menu are disabled when the feature is disabled [DonGato]
CHANGE: added a base ipfilter.dat file to distribution [DonGato]
CHANGE: removed upload slots configuration (outdated by zz's upload system) [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated friend icons [DrSiRiUs]
CHANGE: .dat and .bin files can now be previewed [DonGato]
CHANGE: exceptions shown in debug log - instead of usual log [kuchin]
CHANGE: updated the shared files context menu to not show options when can't be used [reCDVst]
CHANGE: updated the search context menu to not show options when can't be used [DonGato]
CHANGE: rewrite of datamap in download list control [kuchin]
CHANGE: removed transfer full chunks from the options, feature always on [obaldin]
BUGFIX: download list, download from A4AF sources, manual & auto works as expected [Cax2]
BUGFIX: CPU optimizations [Cax2]
BUGFIX: minor bugfixes and optimizations to sources display [Cax2]
BUGFIX: system tray changes after pressing ENTER [FoRcHa]
BUGFIX: download autopriority correctly stored (and restored) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: now priority for static servers can be set [DonGato]
BUGFIX: sort in download box:unknown clients listed last in name/client type/QR columns [Cax2]
BUGFIX: sort by transferred amount in upload box [Cax2]
BUGFIX: doubleclick on client name works inside friends list [Cax2]
BUGFIX: minor improvements to control panel [Cax2]
BUGFIX: updated handling of friends for zz upload system [obaldin]
BUGFIX: now eMule exits fast again [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: fixed memory overrun in BaseClient [kuchin]
BUGFIX: fixed memory leak in Statistics dialog [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: opening the control panel doesn't crash German win9x/ME [FoRcHa]
21.02.03 | eMulePlus 1
FEATURE: enable sorting on upload progress in queue and upload windows [obaldin]
FEATURE: first steps in fighting "credits theft" [obaldin]
FEATURE: updated translations [Translators team]
FEATURE: our own eMule version checking script [kuchin]
FEATURE: new icons for search methods [Cax2/DrSiRiUs]
FEATURE: new set of icons for systray menu [DrSiRiUs]
FEATURE: new icon for preferences (Proxy) [DrSiRiUs]
FEATURE: changed friends icons [DonGato]
FEATURE: sort is restored after closing expanded files[Cax2]
FEATURE: updated get chunks for preview for OGM as well [DonGato]
FEATURE: changed the way languages are managed in the source [EC]
FEATURE: now client icons are built on runtime, reducing development burden [Maverick/DonGato]
FEATURE: aqua progress bars! enabled by moving the 3D bar style selector to the left [Cax2]
FEATURE: added file type search to Filedonkey search [Cax2]
FEATURE: added jigle parameters to search code [Cax2]
FEATURE: WebServer: Added templates version check [kuchin]
FEATURE: added xrmb's Smart Open [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: debug log and statistics [kuchin]
FEATURE: new, improved graphical system tray menu [FoRcHa]
FEATURE: changed up & down display in the statusbar (now shows overhead all the time) [Cax2]
FEATURE: updated the way clients in upload & queue windows are displayed [Cax2]
FEATURE: show the number of parts in upload and queue windows [obaldin]
FEATURE: added support to show ALL clients and ALL clients version in statistics
(both NT and Win98) [Lord KiRon]
FEATURE: support for more than one hybrid version (like eMule and eDonkey) in Statistics [Lord KiRon]
FEATURE: now last time the downloading file had any progress is shhown in the tooltip and
the files that did not see any progress for a week will be highlighted in red [obaldin]
FEATURE: reask for file by Ottavio84 [obaldin]
FEATURE: log/chat/irc font size now adjustable [Cax2]
FEATURE: now debug messages are written to the logfile when enabled [DonGato]
FEATURE: when file is complete, doubleclick opens it [Cax2]
FEATURE: minor CPU optimizations throughout... [Maella/Cax2]
FEATURE: proxy support (disabled until sockets rewriting) [Maverick]
FEATURE: display own UL/DL Ratio in downloadlist [Maverick]
FEATURE: display yellow plus icons when client itself has UL/DL rating > 1
at the remote client in DL queue [Maverick]
FEATURE: display mlDonkey Icons in UL and DL queue [Maverick]
FEATURE: display SmallFile and RareFile Ratio in InfoList [Maverick]
FEATURE: display own UL/DL rating in InfoList [Maverick]
FEATURE: display own UL/DL rating in ClientInfo [Maverick]
FEATURE: preventing two ore more files to complete at the same time [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: rewrited statistics tree and added full export to WebServer [kuchin]
CHANGE: applied Maella's upload optimizations [obaldin]
CHANGE: removed message when generating ed2k link from a download [DonGato]
CHANGE: minor graphic improvements in the search screen, screen simplified
(removed rarely used 'extension' search box) [Cax2]
CHANGE: disabled proxy settings in preferences until it works [DonGato]
CHANGE: simplified the movie preview without losing the feature [DonGato]
CHANGE: removed 'Get First/Last movie chunks' because it was outdated by new features [DonGato]
CHANGE: automatic save of known files was put into a different thread at low priority,
should reduce CPU load, may produce new sync bugs too [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: in ClientInfo dialog the "Currently downloading" is shown only if the client ir really
downloading at this time, otherwise (in queue) "Waiting to download" is shown [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: now overhead in status bar can be turned on & off [Cax2]
CHANGE: new Search window style with a better position of controls [DonGato]
CHANGE: full reorganization of client statistics [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: control panel settings, various improvements [Cax2]
CHANGE: the comment entered by user himself now show during "Show all comments" too [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: WebServer: settings stored [kuchin]
CHANGE: no missing templates warning if Webserver is disabled [obaldin]
CHANGE: recognize .26's downloader's parts protocol and our own system is temporarily disabled [obaldin]
CHANGE: Every variable in preferences has it's own lock [kuchin]
CHANGE: short path for temp directory not needed anymore [Cax2]
CHANGE: Removed option 'ask on exit', feature always on [Cax2]
CHANGE: Upload Throttle enabled by default and option removed [DonGato]
CHANGE: ICH enabled by default and option removed [DonGato]
CHANGE: mlDonkey behavior now could be enabled or disabled only [DonGato]
CHANGE: Max Connections per 5 Seconds now can be set up to 200 with NT kernel [DonGato]
CHANGE: no more 'punishment' based on 'bot' or low ID [Cax2]
CHANGE: eDonkey is now emulated to anyone except eMule. I had to adapt this since mlDonkey changed their system [Maverick]
CHANGE: do not allow community leeching with only 1 community per user allowed.
Name must be in brackets 'username [MyCommunity]' [Maverick]
BUGFIX: proper sorting for files higher than 2 GB in all windows [Cax2]
BUGFIX: statistics: % of unknown clients now correct [Cax2]
BUGFIX: finding sources at startup if auto priority [jicxmic]
BUGFIX: updated File Comments - can't enter empty comments anymore [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: sort by progress in transfer page [kuchin]
BUGFIX: same chunk turning yellow for all sources for second when download speed is 0 [Cax2]
BUGFIX: updated File Comments for users to not enter empty comments [DonGato]
BUGFIX: Shared Files column order changes now working as intended [Cax2/DonGato]
BUGFIX: updated statistics graphs because of a minor bug with KB/s text overlapping numbers [Cax2]
BUGFIX: sort is restored after closing expanded files [Cax2]
BUGFIX: Minimize to tray fix [obaldin]
BUGFIX: the memory leak looks like finaly fixed, also this prevents from adding the same
source twice or more to the Download list view [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: download optimizations, security fixes [obaldin]
BUGFIX: some fixes in ClientDetail dialog text positions. [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: fixed 2 crashes that occurs sometimes when updating windows that not yet exists [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: better handling of invalid username and port info sent by 'rogue clients' [Vorlost]
BUGFIX: detail dialog now remembers the vertical column position [Cax2]
BUGFIX: better out-of-disk-space handling [obaldin]
BUGFIX: statistics on "new" clients expanded state saved and restored correctly [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: columns shouldn't be mixed up anymore [Cax2]
BUGFIX: SLS high CPU/disk usage fix [kuchin]
BUGFIX: updated upload throttle [obaldin]
BUGFIX: fix for 100 upload slots on 10k upload [obaldin]
BUGFIX: when shutting down windows, emule doesn't ask for confirmation anymore [Cax2]
BUGFIX: fixed extreamly dangerouse memory overrun bug related to
the Statistics calculations [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: fixed a debug crash on drawing file Item in Download List [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: preferences dialog saving options logic fixed [kuchin]
BUGFIX: put in some protection against a strange corruption bug (present since .25) [obaldin]
BUGFIX: redraws are disabled on exit. Should speed the exit up and take care of
various crashes during exit [obaldin]
BUGFIX: from 0.26a: memory leak in EMSocket.cpp:OnReceive() [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: WebServer: U/D no longer show 65535 when limit is set to 0, it shows Unlimited [EC]
BUGFIX: paused & closed files do not receive sources anymore [Cax2]
BUGFIX: QR sort doesn't show gaps anymore and 'emule v ?' shows QR [Cax2]
BUGFIX: plurals shown correctly on delete file confirmation [Cax2]
BUGFIX: IRC window remembers settings [Cax2]
BUGFIX: when completing files, sources cannot be expanded [Cax2]
BUGFIX: total transferred bytes don't display negative numbers anymore [Katsyonak]
BUGFIX: minor memory & speed optimizations [Cax2]
BUGFIX: added .movie and .stats removal when file is deleted [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed too many async connections not to kill the program [pooz]
BUGFIX: sources are not added any more when file stopped [SyruS]
BUGFIX: removed duplicated filestatus packet [DoubleT]
BUGFIX: emule 'v0.' and '0.31' shown correctly in Download list [Cax2]
BUGFIX: windows shutdown fix [MooseTea]
BUGFIX: solved 'hanging' sources on file completion [Cax2]
BUGFIX: fixed the repaint bug in the sources [Cax2]
BUGFIX: display the correct score in the UL queue [Maverick]
BUGFIX: some crash fixes [kuchin]
BUGFIX: fixed a problem with server list control where a malformed server name
or description could cause a crash [pooz]
BUGFIX: fixed some memory leaks [pooz]
BUGFIX: user hash returned as CString, thus zero byte inside hash truncated it [kuchin]
FEATURE/CHANGE/BUGFIX: Description {Reporter} [Developer]
**** OLD CHANGELOG available at http://emuleplus.info ****